Staged Terror on March 22

Eight years ago today, the “Brussels bombings” occurred (shown above); exactly one year later, the “London Westminster attack” took place. Both events were staged, just like the “Manchester Arena bombing” on May 22, 2017, or of course the “Boston Marathon bombing”, the “LAX shooting”, and the “Kenya shopping mall attack” back in 2013. Videos: Simulated... Continue Reading →

Geopolitics and Pedocriminality (Updated)

The SPR compendium on Geopolitics and Pedocriminality has been extended by a section on confirmed or suspected cases of closeted homosexuality and transsexuality, including: longtime FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (gay crossdresser, blackmailed by Jewish organized crime); Barack Obama (bisexual, linked to several gay murders, true father uncertain, CIA family background); Emmanuel Macron (gay, true... Continue Reading →

OnlyFans and the Israel Lobby (Updated)

Two things many people may not know about OnlyFans: one, it arose from a “financial domination” fetish website, and two, the OnlyFans owner is the largest donor to AIPAC, a leading organization of the Israel Lobby in the United States. Read more in the updated and expanded SPR compendium on The Israel Lobby: Facts and... Continue Reading →

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19 (14 March 2020)

Four years ago today, when most of the world just started to panic over the novel coronavirus, SPR was one of the first websites in the world to publish a realistic covid risk assessment and argue against lockdowns. Our early work reached millions of people per day, was translated into over 30 languages, and inspired... Continue Reading →

Dutch Data Disproving the Pandemic?

A Dutch reader is wondering if Dutch wastewater monitoring data disproves the pandemic. The answer is no: the Dutch data perfectly confirms virus-related pandemic excess mortality (see chart above), but it disproves all kinds of alarmists, “experts”, deniers, activists and counter-activists – which is why almost nobody wants to talk about it. Still, the data... Continue Reading →

[German] Das RAF-Phantom

(About Germany) Zum gerade wieder aktuellen Thema RAF und Staats­­terrorismus finden sich im SPR-Medien­archiv u.a. der legendäre ARD-Brennpunkt von 1992 zum “RAF-Phantom”; der Kultfilm “Das Phantom” von Dennis Gansel (2000); ein Interview mit Gerhard Wisnewski zu Phantom-Terrorismus (2015); ein Interview mit “Ex-Terrorist” Bommi Baumann zu RAF und Gladio; ein Interview mit Michael Buback (Sohn des... Continue Reading →