
Philosophy of Globalism – Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

We move on in the globalism books series to cover another Huxley, Julian, the father of the term “transhumanism,” who outlines the open philosophy of globalism in his famous essay “UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy.” In Part 2 we will cover the first half of his book On Living in a Revolution and compare it to the subject we often cover known as the “final revolution.”


Bird Box (2018) Meaning Explained – JaysAnalysis

Wine moms of the demonic apocalypse. All Ive seen in my feed lately is a host of discussion and video analysis of this film, so I thought I’d give it a run. I think the film was mediocre and proposed a few interesting ideas, but ultimately was another version of Shyamalamadingdong’s Happening with – blindfolds (Masonic?). Be sure to like and share and subscribe!

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted – Orthodox Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers – expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the “solas” as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Bible Contradiction? Old Testament Vs New Testament? Marcionism? Jay Dyer – LIVE NOW

One of the creeping heresies of our day is the issue of Marcionism, which tends to be either overlooked or subtly promoted across theological lines, from Protestants to Catholics to so-called “Orthodox.” The heresiarch Marcion is the father of pitting Paul and his supposed gnostic writings against the “mean God” of the Law and Prophets. This talk will also be relevant to the countless gnostics and Neo-pagans who constantly challenge my work. I’ll also be taking superhchat Q n A about objections and apparent contradictions.


Antichrist Spirit – Apocalypse – American Horror Story 8

Oriignally, I stopped at season 1 of American Horror Story, but the show took a decidedly Antichrist and occult bent more recently, illustrating the summation of all the seasons into a single hidden narrative about the birth and coming of the Antichrist. Since this relates to films and shows we’ve done before, as well as to chapters in my books, I have decided to cover the first episode of the new season.