Special Counsel

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to disappoint the Democrats and the media. Here’s why.

Robert Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel to supervise the Russiagate investigation has led to a state bordering on euphoria on the part of the Democrats and the mainstream media.
It is understandable why.  The Democrats have been calling for the appointment of a Special Counsel and President Trump – very unwisely – has been resisting them.  Though President Trump appeared in his statement yesterday to welcome the decision, in tweets today he has made clear his continued resentment about it

BREAKING: DoJ appoints former FBI Director Robert Mueller to supervise Russiagate probe

Rod Rosenstein, the newly appointed Deputy Attorney General whose memorandum on former FBI Director Comey’s failings precipitated President Trump’s decision to dismiss former FBI Director Comey, has appointed Comey’s predecessor, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, to supervise the FBI’s Russiagate investigation.
Rosenstein’s announcement reads as follows