
Soleimani assassination only one of many (and not the most consequential) US acts of war against Iran

January 5, 2020
By Stephen Gowans
While the assassination of an Iranian general by a US drone attack in Iraq has been construed in some quarters as a consequential act of war, it is only one, in a long series of US actions, that constitute de facto acts of war by the United States against Iran that have caused considerable harm to the country.

Who the Winners Are from America’s Destruction of Iraq and War Against Iran

Eric Zuesse
Americans are unfortunately severely reluctant to disbelieve the lies that normally spew forth from the U.S. Government about foreign countries and especially about foreign countries that it invades or wants to invade. Consider, for examples, the lies that were told against Iraq when Saddam Hussein ruled it, or about Libya when Muammar Gaddafi ruled it, or about Iran right now. But Americans widely believe their Government’s lies, nonetheless.

Jason Reza Jorjani - Has Trump's Iran War Begun?

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik speaks with Jason Reza Jorjani, author of Iranian Leviathan, about the situation in Iran and the death of Soleimani.
Book: Iranian Leviathan
Articles:Trump’s Iran War BeginsThe Leviathan of Iranian CivilizationIranian Hegemony in the Islamic World