
Jerusalem Conflict: Identity Theft On Top Of Everything Else

As many previous colleagues have discovered, writing about Israel is a thankless task best avoided, especially by a self-hating Jew. Before people even read a given article, they have made up their own minds about Israel and cross-checked their views against others they hold to see if they are ideologically sound, i.e., politically correct. Then […]

Yemen’s War Against Women – Oppression Takes On Radical Undertones

Note to readers: I have included in this article comments I have collected from women over the past few months as part of a research paper I’m conducting on Yemen as well as already published quotes from reputable rights organisation so that victims could be given a voice and their trauma told in their own […]

Myanmar’s Crisis Follows Predictable ‘Libya Model’ Pattern

All too predictably, the crisis in Myanmar has rapidly spiralled out of control with what we were told were “peaceful” “pro-democracy” protesters transforming into heavily armed militants fighting Myanmar’s central government, its police force and its armed forces with war weapons. Of course, the protests were never peaceful. The Western media only claimed as much […]

Roman Catholic Church pushback against godless liberals provokes Democrats [Video]

The Roman Catholic experience in the United States of America has, for about the last century, relied heavily on an alliance with the American Democrat Party. Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone talks about this in a recent piece he wrote: The history of Catholic immigrants to the United States and their descendants is exemplary of the […]

US has Unleashed Two Pandemics Upon the World: the COVID and the Mass Shootings

No matter how hard the Washington propaganda machine tries to make the US look like an “innocent little bunny,” all the new revelations officially break this obviously unreflective artificial image. So, according to a US National Institutes of Health (NIH) press release distributed the other day, the COVID-19 coronavirus infection appeared in the United States […]

The Uyghur Tribunal: Inciting Hatred Against China

The fascists are very active these days and one of the proofs of this dark shadow looming over the world is the recent so-called “peoples’ tribunal” put on in London over three days in early June. Otherwise called the “Uyghur Tribunal,” it is headed by Sir Geoffrey Nice, Q.C, the Machiavellian British barrister, knighted by […]

Hate Speech on China

In previous texts, we have mentioned a strong anti-Chinese trend in contemporary South Korean propaganda, especially coming from “social organizations” that portray the full-time Voice of the People. At the same time, the propaganda aims to foster domestic disgust toward the Chinese, and any attempt to show something Chinese positively becomes an occasion for public […]

Yet Another Story Involving Rape and Suicide in the South Korean Army

After one well-known story about “mass rapes in the DPRK Army,” the author is trying to keep track of how a similar situation looks occurring in the South Korean Army, and thankfully when describing that he does not have to solely rely on the tearful and unreliable stories told by defectors, but on more valid […]

Challenges of Water Sharing in the Nile Basin: Critical Moments Approaching

Egypt and Sudan are supposed to adhere to a binding agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), even amidst reports that Addis Ababa, for a second year, will fill its reservoir with less water than had previously been planned, several international experts say. Just three weeks before the second planned year for filling the […]