Social Credit Scoring

From Contact Tracing To Carbon Footprint Tracking: WEF’s Carrot Or Stick Approach To COVID & Climate Policy

If the object is to enforce a lower and lower carbon footprint on humans, then at some point, one could be standing naked, homeless and penniless on a street corner, breathing out CO2 fifteen times per minute. What's next? Eliminate you to stop you from emitting. This is the only logical extreme for carbon footprint measuring: it is anti-human.

Boris Johnson’s Transformation From ‘Conservative’ Libertarian To Technocrat Tyrant

If COVID lockdowns were not bad enough, Chinese-style social credit scoring is establishing itself in Britain as Boris Johnson seeks to control food consumption and exercise regimens. Technocrats in Britain have totally betrayed the Brexit movement by imposing an even worse dictatorship on their own people than the EU could have ever done.