
Political Smear? Russell Brand Accused by 4 Women of Rape, Assault and Sexual Misconduct

The media waited until Brand changed his life and spoke out in favor of conservative issues to make the sexual allegations public and condemn him in a coordinated effort. Candace Owens said that two things can be true at one time: Brand is being pursued by the media and the allegations of an accuser are credible.

Reporter Tries to Smear Speaker at Red Pill Expo Who Urged Liberty-Minded Citizens to Run for Office

The difference of world view appears to be the underlying problem with this article as the author believes that his mainstream sources are wise, honorable, and objective. Collectivists are programmed to believe and obey. We who have lived long enough to see how things really work in government and commerce know better.

Stefan Molyneux Analyzes the Accusations Against Judge Roy Moore (R-AL), Senatorial Candidate

Judge Roy Moore is accused of initiating sexual contact with young women 40 years ago. Molyneux sifts out the the truth by answering these four questions: Is there a motive? What is the character of person making allegations? Timing? Are the people who are broadcasting the allegations consistent in their moral outrage? [...]

Tom Woods blasts the New York Times yet still touts that he’s a New York Times bestselling author

From his January 30, 2014 podcast, Tom Woods said, in response to this January 25, 2014 New York Times hit piece against Rand Paul and Mises Institute associates like Walter Block (at 9:47): “Basically, I don’t talk to the New York Times anymore. They write to me, they want some comment, I tell them no, […]