smart power

Assad Political and Media Advisor: “I was offered millions to leave the Syrian Government”

21st Century Wire says…
This is the sort of underhanded, corrupt bribery and manipulation that Washington and its NATO and Gulf partners routinely engage in when working to undermine, and eventually destroy a sovereign nation state like Libya or Syria.
If only the US and its partners had even a few officials with such integrity as this…

UK Column: Exposing US-UK Funded ‘First Responder’ NGO in Syria with Direct Ties to Terrorists

21st Century Wire says…
In the 21st Century, the proliferation of NGOs and charities overseas has filled a vacuum left by instability and conflict. While many of these organizations do good work and provide important services to vulnerable people, others are used as tools of regime change and conquest by neocolonialists in Europe and North America. The road to tyranny is paved with good intentions.

The World is Not Enough: JaysAnalysis w/Patrick Henningsen (Half)

This is the first free half of a full talk for paid subscribers.  Patrick Henningsen of 21stCenturyWire joins me for another graduate level course in geopolitics, as we break down the following topics: Mainstream media hoaxes, fake news, Atlanticist hegemony, intelligence operations and smart power/soft power fronts, NGOs, the war in Aleppo, “White Helmets,” the history of CIA operations in Syria, Hollywood’s Rendition, Turkey’s role,  007 and The World is Not Enough’s plot in relation to modern Eurasian subterfuge, the secret behi

SYRIA: #AleppoIsBurning Campaign Created by US and NATO to Facilitate a “No Bomb Zone”

Vanessa Beeley
21st Century Wire
“I would like to point out something, if you open the trending section in Facebook you will see that Aleppo, Syria is trending.  They say the Syrian government is continuing air-strikes on Aleppo. The funny thing is we dont see or hear any planes.” ~ Marianne R Bedoun, Aleppo