smart power

Syria: French-Sponsored Terrorist Media Sites Smear Russia in Attempt to Impose ‘No Fly Zone’

Finian Cunningham
Among the NATO allies decrying “war crimes” in Syria, France is taking a lead role in the chorus denouncing Russia. The latest outburst comes from French President Francois Hollande who says he wants Russia charged with war crimes at the International Criminal Court.

A NOBEL LIE: CNN’s Claim That ‘White Helmets Center in Damascus’ Was Hit by a Barrel Bomb

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Some will have noticed, in the frantic run-up to the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, CNN and a number of other mainstream corporate outlets ran an incredible story claiming that, “White Helmets group says aid center hit by barrel bomb.”
This headline story ran all day along the bottom of the TV screen in CNN’s news ticker, and claimed that:

CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire says…
They were tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today, but despite the multi-million dollar PR campaign run 24/7 through US and UK media outlets over the last month, the western-funded ‘NGO’ known as The White Helmets came up short. 
On the eve of the award ceremony in Norway, CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle posed a fundamental question:

‘We Saved 60,000’ – Bogus Claim by Syria’s White Helmets Raises Even More Questions

21st Century Wire says…
The western media and politicians have been going all-out in the last two weeks to promote and pump-up the profile of what they are calling a “first responder NGO” known as the White Helmets who claim among other things, to have “saved 60,000 lives” in only 3 years of the Syria conflict. Is it true, or is this claim bogus?

United Nations Brought Cholera Epidemic to Haiti, Killing 10,000 (and counting)

21st Century Wire says…
After 5 years of total denial and what many would describe as an institutional cover-up, the United Nations has finally been forced to publicly admit that its own UN peacekeepers were responsible for the outbreak of cholera which as killed 10,000 and infected thousands of others so far, after the disease was introduced to Haiti six years ago in 2010. Haiti continues to suffer from the UN-induced epidemic until today.