
ADHD Meds Are Screwing Up Kids’ Sleep

Medications used to treat symptoms for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be causing sleep problems in children, according to a new study.
A new analysis published in the journal Pediatrics found that kids on these stimulant medications take significantly longer to fall asleep, have poorer quality sleep and sleep for shorter periods. [1]

Doing This During the Day may up Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

If you’re often sleepy during the day and frequently take a long afternoon snooze, you’re more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, researchers from the University of Tokyo report.
Researchers presented their findings on September 18 at the 51st Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes currently taking place in Stockholm, Sweden.

Daylight Savings Time is Coming. Are you Ready?

Daylight savings time is very near, and the shorter days and longer nights can wreak havoc on you emotionally and physically. That lost hour of sleep can be killer, too, unless you’re a night owl who appreciates the sun being low in the sky a little bit longer. Moving the clocks in either direction knocks our circadian rhythms out of whack.
If you can’t pack up and move to a part of the world where there is no daylight savings time, here are a few tips for surviving the lack of sunlight – and the onslaught of Christmas decorations in stores.

Study: Sleeping This Many Hours can Damage Your Heart

If you sleep too little, or even too much, you might be doing a lot of damage to your heart. A new study published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology finds that either of these factors in young to middle-age people – along with poor quality of sleep – raises levels of calcium in the coronary arteries, leading to arterial stiffness.

6 Tips on How to Stop Restless Legs Syndrome Naturally

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), thought to be a neurological disorder, is exactly what it sounds like. The condition gives sufferers an irresistible urge to move their legs. Sometimes RLS feels like there is something crawling on the legs. It may feel like pulling, throbbing or itching. The disorder can cause deep aches, too. And especially unlucky RLS sufferers may feel these symptoms all over their body.
Because RLS is relieved by moving the affected limbs, it often means sleepless nights, uncomfortable plane rides, and miserable days at the office.

Research: You’re 4x more Likely to Catch a Cold with this Mistake

People who get fewer than 6 hours of sleep each night are more likely to catch a cold, researchers are saying.
In what is believed to be the first study of its kind, researchers say people are 4 times more likely to come down with the common cold if they get less than 6 hours of shut-eye per night, compared with those who get at least seven or more hours of sleep. [1]