Skripal case

14 questions for London on ‘fabricated’ Skripal case

Russia’s embassy in London has sent a list of questions, 14 to be specific, to the British Foreign Ministry on the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skripal – which include a demand to clarify whether samples of the nerve agent “Novichok” have ever been developed in the UK.
The Russian embassy’s statement calls the incident that started the recent diplomatic row a “fabricated case against Russia.”

Furious China ramps up support for Russia on Skripal, calls West’s actions “outrageous”

Global Times – unofficial English language organ of China’s ruling Communist Party – has published a scorching editorial savaging the West’s bullying of Russia over the Skripal case.
The editorial notes the West’s disregard of basic courtesies and of due process, and warns that other countries – including implicitly China – may one day find themselves in the same crosshairs for this sort of attack.

Expelling Russian diplomats: tokenism in Europe; petulance in Washington

Before discussing the decision of the Western powers to expel Russian diplomats, it is necessary re-emphasise the total lack of logic behind the decision.
Though the decision is being presented in the media as an expulsion of “Russian spies”, it is also being linked to the Skripal case.
The Skripal case however is still ongoing.  The British police investigation is still underway.  No suspect has been named and all the indications are that the British police still do not know how Sergey and Yulia Skripal were poisoned or who poisoned them.

China applauds Putin’s win, backs Russia on Skripal case, hails China’s ‘strategic partnership’ with Russia

President Putin’s massive election victory and the fallout from the Skripal case have provided Global Times – an English language newspaper published under the auspices of the People’s Daily, the official organ of China’s Communist Party, and therefore reflecting the views of China’s leadership – with the opportunity to give Russia strong backing as it comes under renewed Western pressure.

Skripal case: EU Council ditches Theresa May’s ultimatum to Russia

In my previous article about the failure of Britain’s allies to give Britain the strong support it expected in the Skripal case I predicted that the EU Council meeting on 22nd March 2018 would publish a statement which appeared to be strongly supportive of Britain but which on careful examination would turn out to be less than it seemed.