
Androgynous World Order – Jay Dyer & Collins Brothers

In this classic interview, I discuss the Collins brothers’ new article detailing the deeper motives behind the new world order’s designs with feminism and the alchemical androgynous programming we are being subjected to. Following that, we delve deeper into the cryptocracy and the shadow state, as well as looking at its use of cults and religious groups and the alien hoax. A must-hear lecture on geo-politics and worldview warfare! This interview was prophetic!

Hot Topics – Jay Dyer with Cartoonist Made by Jimbob

Made by Jimbob suggested a conversation where he would interview me (?) on my channel, so I said ok, and I guess I’ll also cross-interview him. Jimbob is an American satirical cartoonist whose crude and often hyperbolic depictions reduce complex social and political issues to their core principles. Jimbob lived in Los Angeles, CA for 15 years which exposed him to the many characters and situations he draws today. He now resides in Colorado with his family. LIVE AT 10PM EST 

Problemet med dagens ungdom är...

Om du har en dryg timma över, då är detta en mycket sevärd video.Youtube: Jonathan Haidt - The Three Terrible Ideas Weakening Gen Z and Damaging Universities and Democracies »Jonathan Haidt innehar Thomas Cooley-professuren i etiskt ledarskap på New York University’s Stern School of Business. Han är även känd för att ha skrivit boken »The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure«.

Jönssons lördagsvideo: Vad Gillette säger om samtiden

Henrik Jönsson:

"I förra veckan lanserade rakbladstillverkaren Gillette en reklamfilm med ideologiska rötter i metoo-rörelsen: en viralkampanj mot sexuella trakasserier av kvinnor. Filmen har varit polariserande, och har skapat starka reaktioner både för och emot sitt ideologiska budskap. Med avstamp i detta vill jag idag diskutera socialt ingenjörsskap, vad denna film egentligen säger om vår samtid och vad dess narrativ får för sociala konsekvenser för samhället."

Youtube »

Hitchens: ‘Why the Left Think They Are Better’

In western politics, the political Left has traditionally seen itself as more progressive and has staked universal claim to the  moral high ground on virtually all social and economic issues. But where does this veneer of moral superiority emanate from? What happens when the emotional and seemingly morally superior argument has to give way to apragmatic considerations?

Creepy Porn Lawyers’ disgusting assault on Tucker Carlson and his 19 year old daughter (Video)

Days after ANTIFA targeted Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s home, trying to intimidate and scare the TV host into curbing his free speech against totalitarian mob rule propagated by ANTIFA and their paymasters, it appears that the SJW establishment swamp is going after Tucker with everything they got…sending in the expendable, and always eager to get publicity, Creepy Porn Lawyer, Michael Avenatti, to try and ensnare Carlson in some sort of racist assault scandal.

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick Refuted – Jay Dyer Live

Fr Damick has posted a giant, rambling and confused response to me that is hilariously bad. In this stream I will respond to every one of his objections and show how his deflections are nonsense to the non-existent audience I don’t have. Since it is all public and includes false claims I will respond publicly: He includes a host of lies in an attempt to white knight for the radical politically active left women that Ancient Faith Radio has promoted the last couple years.