
While Trump makes peace with Kim, his Treasury secretary slaps Russia with yet more sanctions

While Donald Trump was off in Singapore trying to avert a third world war, his Treasury secretary was busy at home, trying to start one.
Steven Mnuchin used the U.S. president’s absence from Washington for a historic peace summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, as an opportunity to jack up sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Trump and Kim address the world together, in a joint statement (Video)

Kim Jong-un confirmed his commitment to the “complete denuclearization of Korean Peninsula,” in a joint document signed with President Trump at Singapore on Tuesday.
According to the press, the text does not mention “complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization,” however, it does reaffirm the Panmunjom Declaration, signed by Kim on April 27, 2018.

What you need to know about the North Korea – US summit

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are in some ways, rather alike. Both are brash and fearless. Both are easy with bellicose rhetoric, but both are also open to dealmaking.
Today, this process began to unfold in a most visible manner on the world stage.
President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un concluded their nuclear summit on Tuesday by signing a document in which the American president pledged “security guarantees” to the North Koreans, and in turn, Chairman Kim reiterated his own commitment to a complete removal of nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula.

BREAKING ANALYSIS: Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un agree to denuclearization process (Video)

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un signed a document after a historic summit in Singapore with POTUS Trump declaring that North Korea’s denuclearization process would be starting “very quickly.”
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un stated that the world was about to see “a major change.”
RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle unpacks the breaking news from Singapore, where Trump and Kim addressed the world on their communique, and the 4 starting points contained in the joint document.

Trump meets Kim: What to expect from historic meeting (Video)

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are set to meet face-to-face in Singapore tomorrow and together they can change the world.
Their Tuesday summit will begin with a one-on-one meeting, alongside translators, with an anxious world watching on, waiting to see if 70 years division and fear can lead to an official end to a conflict on the Korean peninsula that almost plunged the world into nuclear war just months ago.

Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un Arrive in Singapore Ahead of Tuesday Meeting

(ANTIWAR.COM) The historic Trump-Kim summit is just hours away, and both leaders have arrived in Singapore. Kim arrived on an Air China plane Sunday afternoon local time, and Trump arrived just hours later at Paya Lebar Air Base. This caps weeks of questions around the summit. President Trump withdrew from the summit after North Korea angrily condemned John Bolton’s […]

Giuliani MOCKS Kim: “He got back on his hands and knees and begged” (Video)

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani mocked North Korean leader Kim Jong Un days before a historic summit between POTUS Trump and NK leader Kim Jong Un.
Giuliani said that Kim was so scared of US power that he “got back on his hands and knees and begged” for the reinstatement of a summit between the US and North Korea.
Giuliani noted that with the summit plans back in place, the U.S. has the upper hand.

KIM CAVES – North Korea begs Trump to save Singapore summit

On Thursday, US President Donald Trump, to the dismay of many, published a letter announcing he was calling off a much heralded tête-à-tête with North Korea’s reclusive leader Kim Jong-un, aimed at ending the North’s nuclear program.
It followed weeks of aggressive statements by both sides, which appeared to have been set off by US National Security Advisor John Bolton suggesting in an interview that the “Libya model” (disarmament followed by regime change) should be applied to North Korea.

BREAKING: Donald Trump CANCELS June summit with Kim Jong-un

US President Donald Trump has just announced that he will not hold a long planned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
The meeting was scheduled to take place on June 12th in Singapore. The cancellation follows more than a week of escalating verbal attacks between American and North Korean officials.
The White House twitter account released this letter from President Trump to Chairman Kim: