Side Effects

Covid 2022 summer wave should be a rallying war cry – but is it? [Video]

While the world rightfully and stubbornly insists on returning life to normal, there is a significant wave of COVID-19, the Wonder Disease of the Great Reset, afflicting millions of people worldwide. This is not an idle statement. While the statistical reports show only a moderate wave, personal experience suggests that the reason the wave looks […]

Further Evidence That Covid Vaccines May Be Fatal for One in Every 4,000 Doses

A comparison of non-Covid excess mortality rates in Denmark and the U.K. finds that they closely resemble each other at approximately 250 per million doses, i.e., a fatality rate of 0.025% or one every 4,000 doses.
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Serious Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines 40 Times Higher Than Recorded by Government, German Scientist Says

The number of serious adverse effects from Covid vaccination is 40 times higher than currently recorded by the German Government, a scientist leading a study into the vaccines has said.
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Spike in Deaths Concurrent With Vaccinations Must Be Investigated by Authorities, Study Says

Authorities should "comprehensively" investigate a spike in deaths in Cyprus during 2021 that is not explained by COVID-19 but occurred concurrently with the vaccination campaign, a study has concluded.
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Russian epidemiologist also calls BS on COVID policy – [Video]

This from the Live 24 Russian Information Agency. What you are about to read is a translation of one of the many critical pieces with regards to the Russian Federation’s COVID-19 policy set. To give a bit of useful background about this to our readers: The Russian government is classed as a “Presidential Republic”, but this […]

Covid Vaccines linked to hepatitis – but MSM won’t tell you [Video]

A friend of mine was vaccinated against the Coronavirus / COVID-19 virus some while back. That friend, like many others I know, talked about being “happy to be vaccinated” against this illness. Many people who get vaccinated no doubt feel quite a sense of relief afterwards, thinking that the trepidation is over and that they […]

“The Vaccines Kill Two People for Every Three Lives They Save”, Says Peer-Reviewed Vaccine Study

A new study in the journal Vaccines concludes that for every three deaths the vaccines prevent, one person dies from an adverse reaction while another four suffer serious side effects. Time to reconsider, they ask?
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U.S. Medicines Regulator to Add Warning to Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Over Link to Heart Inflammation

The U.S. medicines regulator is set to add a warning to the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines after the CDC said there is a "likely link" between them and cases of heart inflammation.
The post U.S. Medicines Regulator to Add Warning to Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Over Link to Heart Inflammation appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.