Sibel Edmonds Column

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Boiling Frogs Post is an information site completely independent from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors, partisan agenda drivers or deep-pocket advertisers. Our stellar team of producers and independent analysts has been providing you untainted, bold, independent and nonpartisan facts, exposés and discussions through original video reports, podcast shows, commentaries, editorial cartoons and analyses.

CIA’s Favorite Channel, New York Times, Lobbies for Mullah Fethullah Gulen

New York Times Comes out of the Closet – Doing the CIA’s Bidding
Last week Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkey would officially request the extradition of US-based Mullah Fethullah Gulen- a Turkish preacher in Pennsylvania with a $20+ billion network, whose followers have been accused of trying to eliminate PM Erdogan’s government.

US Government’s Soft Spot for World Leaders with Hidden Treasure Boxes

Your Secrets Are Safe with Us Until …
In May 2013 I wrote an article on USA-Installed global puppets listing their common characteristics and their similar treatment by their master pre and post installment, including their period of exile: Kyrgyzstan’s Maksim Bakiyev: Long Live Washington’s Exiled Kings! My lengthy commentary included three real-life examples: Pakistan’s Bhutto, Kyrgyzstan’s Bakiyev and Turkey’s Ciller.

Pando Exposé: Glenn Greenwald’s Boss, Billionaire Omidyar, Co-Funded Ukraine Revolution Groups with US Government

Greenwald’s Boss Omidyar provided 36% of “Center UA”’s $500,000 budget in 2012— nearly $200,000. USAID provided 54% of “Center UA”’s budget for 2012. Other funders included the US government-backed National Endowment for Democracy.
Update: Pando Responds to Greenwald’s Justification on Working for a Shady Billionaire who has Partnership with the U.S. Government in Global Regime Change Operations

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Boiling Frogs Post is an information site completely independent from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors, partisan agenda drivers or deep-pocket advertisers. Our stellar team of producers and independent analysts has been providing you untainted, bold, independent and nonpartisan facts, exposés and discussions through original video reports, podcast shows, commentaries, editorial cartoons and analyses.