Sibel Edmonds Column

Self-Publishing: A Powerful Tool to Challenge the Corporate Establishment & the Deep State

Utilizing all we can in our fight against those who stand between us & our liberties
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, said Thomas Jefferson. We must remain vigilant individually and collectively- that is, if we value our liberties and integrity. We must utilize all we can in our fight against those who stand between us and our liberties.

BFP Exclusive- The Lone Gladio: Meet Journalist Lou Brian

The Lone Gladio Countdown: 11 Days to Go
We are continuing our countdown to The Lone Gladio official launch date: Thursday, September 11, 2014, with less than two weeks to go. Actually I am currently engaged in several countdowns in my life: nervously counting the days to my daughter’s start of the school year (First Grade is a major stepping stone you know!) while struggling between the homeschooling option versus the awful public education (read: ‘conditioning’) system, counting down to my dreaded surgeries on September 9 & 10, and the list goes on.

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Boiling Frogs Post is an information site completely independent from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors, partisan agenda drivers or deep-pocket advertisers. Our stellar team of producers and independent analysts has been providing you untainted, bold, independent and nonpartisan facts, exposés and discussions through original video reports, podcast shows, daring commentaries, editorial cartoons and analyses.

BFP Exclusive- The Lone Gladio: Meet FBI Analyst Elsie Simon

The Lone Gladio Countdown: 3 Weeks to Go
We are continuing our countdown to The Lone Gladio official launch date: September 11, 2014, with only three more weeks to go.
Yesterday, after reviewing and re-reviewing our proof copies, we submitted our officially final file for publication. I know one thing: I won’t be re-reading this book for a very long time. In addition to over a year of writing, I have had to endure reading this book at least two dozen times since its supposed completion. Can you blame me?!

Update-The Lone Gladio: New Launch Date

After nearly two years of nonstop work I have arrived at the final stage on my book – where things start coming together and the countdown begins. It is still a bit early to take a deep breath or welcome a pat on the back. While the bulk of the work required in finalizing and producing my book is over and done with, there still remain a few steps: the completion of interior design, file conversions, final reviewing of the sample printed copies, website design, and … well, I guess that’s when I’ll welcome that pat on the back.