
Diversity Vs Free Speech At Google

Google had a good idea. They're trying to encourage diversity in hiring and the company suggested employees use an internal electronic bulletin board for a company-wide discussion. Then they fired someone who discussed.I remember when I would sit through executive meetings at Warner Bros Records at one point and marvel at how few women and young people and people of color there were around the table.

What went right? April to June 2017

From terror attacks in London and Manchester, to the US withdrawal from the Paris climate treaty, and the Grenfell Tower fire: bad news has dominated in recent months. But there are inspiring stories that are important too. Get a fuller picture with our top 20 positive developments from April to June
The post What went right? April to June 2017 appeared first on Positive News.

What If Clinton Were a Man and Trump Were a Woman?

A portion of the 2016 presidential debates staged by Professors Maria Guadelupe and Joe Salvatore, in which the Trump character is played by a woman, Rachel Whorton (left), and the Clinton character is played by a man, Daryl Embry (right).by Gaius PubliusThe latest outrage from the Republican Wet Dream Team is Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, cheered by almost every Republican in elected federal office. We have seen and will see plenty of commentary on that world-historical event.

Rossana Dinamarca är en feministisk hjälte

Vänsterpartiets feministstjärna Rossana Dinamarca åkte till USA för att protestera mot Trump.Här i Sverige orkar hon inte protestera mot hederskultur, oskuldskontroller och importerade våldtäkter."Han har en retorik som varit kvinnofientlig, jag går i marschen i solidaritet med amerikanska kvinnor, säger Rossana Dinamarca till GP."Det är intressant hur Dinamarca

Trumps vinst säger mycket om godhetsvänstern

Nu när Trump vunnit valet i USA ser vi hur mycket vänstern egentligen hatar folket. Dom blir helt vansinniga över att dom lever i en demokrati.På sociala medier är det fullt av rabiata inlägg där man inte respekterar den demokratiska processen, folk hoppas på att presidenten blir lönnmördad, det är hetsiga protester i flera städer över USA.

Why Do Left Wing Men Fail To See Their Own Misogyny?

If you’ve done an Arts Degree (you’re reading New Matilda so you’ve probably done at least one) you’ll know the USA or Unexpected Sexist Arsehole. You arrive at Uni all wide-eyed and ready to learn. You’ve got big ideas about changing the world and improving life for the next generation. You CAN car pe diem! You CAN have a dream! […]
The post Why Do Left Wing Men Fail To See Their Own Misogyny? appeared first on BSNEWS.

Kind Of Shocking The Kind Of Sewage They're Forcing Us To Wade Through To Elect The First Woman President

Trump didn't enjoy the skit. The thin-skinned authoritarian wasn't amused. Early Sunday morning he tweeted what amounted to a classic SNL advertisement that belongs on the sides of buses and that they would be crazy to not use:Virginia has produced more presidents than any other state-- George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson.

Trump Doesn't Like The Media-- And Doesn't Like Women

The Committee to Protect Journalists is based in New York but the bulk of its work is usually in tyrannical and oppressive regimes in backward parts of the world-- Russia, Bangladesh, Mexico, Iran, Nigeria, Ethiopia, China, Pakistan... But not this week. If you've been listening to Trump's increasingly violent tirades against the media at his hate rallies filled with deplorables, you may have noticed he's riling up his low IQ fascist-embracing supporters.

Trump And Women

He wasn't jokingDid you ever get a letter from a Trumpy-the-Clown attorney threatening a law suit? I guess the really classic ones are the ones from ultimate sleaze bag Roy Cohn but he's sitting on Satan's dick now so the one I got a week or two ago was less collectible. They're suing me for writing about accusations that before she was married to Herr Trumpf, Melania wasn't just using her bod for modeling.