Seth Rich

Investigator: DNC Staffer Seth Rich Leaked 44K Emails to WikiLeaks Before His Murder

(ANTIMEDIA) New information has surfaced regarding the murder of Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee staffer who was mysteriously killed last July in what Washington D.C. police claimed was a botched robbery despite no evidence to back the claim. After almost a year of conspiracy theories linking the staffer’s death to the DNC, private investigator Rod Wheeler has come forward with information indicating that those theories may not be too far off.

Investigator: Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Was In Contact With Wikileaks

Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was killed on July 10 in Washington, D.C.
It’s been close to a year since Seth Rich, the 27-year-old computer expert who worked for the DNC, was murdered – shot twice in the back without anything of value taken from him.
Rich was found alive and in shock, before he bled out – his death ruled nothing more than a botched robbery.

Madeleine Albright, latest pro-Clinton Neocon hawking anti-Russia conspiracy theories

By Robert Bridge | RT | November 6, 2016 Show me an American Neocon today and I will show you a pro-Clinton supporter. In fact, it is indicative of Hillary Clinton’s particular brand of foreign policy that Republican hawks have fled the GOP standard to join ranks with the warmongering Democrats. In order to guarantee […]