Seth Rich

Seth Rich: Killing the Messenger

On the night of July 10, 2016, DNC employee Seth Rich was shot to death by an unknown person or persons in the affluent Bloomingdale neighborhood in Washington, D.C. The murder has yet to be fully investigated. The DNC has warned off investigators, the police are withholding key evidence, and the mayor does not want the investigation to go forward for political reasons. The ER doctor who looked after Rich is connected to the Clintons. Evidence points to Rich being the person who gave Wikileaks the Clinton and Podesta emails.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s brother suspected of burying Seth Rich DC murder case

The Seth Rich murder has taken another unexpected twist.
Disgraced former DNC leader, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, may have had her brother, Steven Wasserman, bury the Seth Rich Case.
Steven Wasserman would have the power to do this, because he is Assistant US Attorney at the Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia.

Fox News Retracts Seth Rich WikiLeaks Conspiracy Story

(ANTIMEDIA) Fox News has formally retracted a story published on May 16 that claimed DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks before he was killed in 2016. The story fueled online conspiracy theories that had been circulating since Rich’s death. Those stories linked the Clinton campaign to the murder and alleged cover-up.

BREAKING: Twitter begins banning accounts that report the Seth Rich story

A few days ago The Duran ran a post on the latest developments in the Seth Rich story citing WND, and its revelation that none other than former DNC Chair Donna Brazile had been exposed as the high ranking Democrat official calling DC police to inquire about how far a Private Investigation into the murder of Seth Rich had progressed.

EXPLOSIVE: Sean Hannity once again hints at Seth Rich murder connected to Wikileaks DNC leak (Video)

A day after Hannity told his viewers that he would be backing off the Seth Rich murder case after speaking with Rich’s family, Hannity hinted at a Set Rich – Wikileaks connection during his opening monologue last night.
Though Hannity did not specifically name Rich as the source of the DNC leaks, this is the statement that Hannity made during a monologue which focused on debunking the Russiagate fake news story concocted by Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Robby Mook…

Hannity announces on air that he will stop covering Seth Rich murder case – for now (Video)

During his opening monologue Sean Hannity announced on his Fox News show that he will no longer discuss the July, 2016 murder of DNC Data Analyst (Voter Expansion Data Director) Seth Rich.
Hannity’s unexpected and bizarre walking back from his previous coverage of the Seth Rich murder has raised more questions then answers. Hannity stressed during his monologue that is decision to stop covering the Seth Rich story is not permanent and may be taken up again by the Fox News host in a future time.