
What Makes Ukraine Different than Serbia? Why Kosovo? Why not Dombas?

[Prefatory Note: The post below is adapted from responses to questions addressed me to Stasa Salacanin of New Arab on September 14, 2022. My responses here are somewhat modified and greatly expanded.]  Defying Serbian Territorial Sovereignty in Kosovo, Upholding Ukrainian Territorial Sovereignty in the Dombas Region My sense is that EU has never made Western Balkan stability, […]

The West: The Preeminent Cause of War in Human History

The Donetsk National Republic States The Facts
“Every time you come to Russia with a sword, from a sword you will perish.”
The former Russian provinces, which Soviet party leaders carelessly attached to Ukraine at a time when it seemed to make no difference as all were part of the Soviet Union, are now independent republics with their own governments. The West pretends that this isn’t so, because Washington and its puppet capitals don’t recognize the independence of formerly captive peoples. But the West’s opinion no longer counts.