Senate Democratic Caucus

Senate Democrats Will Filibuster Gorsuch...Maybe

Demos President Heather McGhee on Neil Gorsuch and his corporatist policies (cued partway into the presentation)by Gaius PubliusThere a long litany of reasons why Neil Gorsuch is a terrible choice for the Supreme Court, including and especially his strong "corporatist" leanings. Demos President Heather McGhee speaks about that in the brief video above.

Reid Surrenders His Sword to Schumer; Caucus Concurs

Harry Reid (left, in red) surrenders control of Senate Democraticcaucus to Chuck Schumer (right, back to the camera)by Gaius PubliusThis is what happens when "party unity" or "caucus unity" trumps policy. We get Chuck "Wall Street" Schumer as the next Minority Leader — because Harry "But I promoted Elizabeth Warren" Reid helped put him there. So did "progressive" Patty Murray. And according to reports, so did nearly every other Democratic senator.