Senate 2016

Only Trump Could Win The Indiana Senate Race For Reactionary Blue Dog Baron Hill

Another garbage candidate Chuck Schumer likesThe DSCC is hoping against hope to slip another truly horrible right-wing Democrat into the Senate from Indiana this year. It was an unexpected miracle when reactionary Blue Dog, Joe Donnelly, knowing he had zero chance of being reelected to his House seat, threw a Hail Mary pass and ran for Richard Lugar's Senate seat. Might as well go out in a blaze of glory, right?

Zephyr Teachout Schools The DC Political Establishment About What Bribery Means

Congressmen Alan Grayson (D) and David Jolly (R) are running against each other for the open Florida Senate seat but are also co-sponsoring a bill that would prohibit federal elected officials from soliciting campaign donations-- which everyone in DC knows are bribes. Yes, bribes, but bribes redefined in such a way as to keep those who write the laws and those who underwrite their careers out of prison.

PolitiFact Looks At Patrick Murphy And The Payday Lenders

The crooked politicians who take money from the payday lenders have offered to sell their own constituents-- poor ones with little influence-- to the industry in return for campaign contributions. There has been a lot of talk about how Debbie Wasserman Schultz has bolstered the position of payday lenders and given them a green light for their predatory practices. Generally-speaking, though the payday lending industry goes to Republicans for support.

Democrats In Name Only

It was pretty awesome that Democratic primary voters in PA-07 (the suburbs south and southwest of Philly) so thoroughly rejected the DCCC-recruited candidate Tuesday and voted massively for Elizabeth Warren-wing local progressive Mary Ellen Balchunis. Local Delaware County Democrats were as pissed off about DCCC heavy-handed interference as Democrats are all over the country. And in PA-07 they expressed that by voting 51,525 (73.8%) for Balchunis to 18,276 (26.2%) for the DCCC's wealthy handpicked outsider, Bill Golderer.

Will Pennsylvanians Let NY Greaseball Chuck Schumer Pick Their Senator Today?

Few people remember Joe Biden's Senate record. But I'm one who does. "Corporate whore" comes rapidly to mind. Biden was a right-of-center establishment Democratic who represented Wall Street interests while painting himself as a man of the people who road Amtrack. Outside of Delaware-- where he was a sentaor from 1973 'til 2008-- no one ever bought the hype back then, though Politico, which wasn't around then, does today.

Nation's Oldest Black Newspaper Comes Down Against The Corrupt Establishment-- Endorses Bernie And Joe Sestak

The Philadelphia Tribune started publishing in 1884 and today it's the oldest continually publishing African-American newspaper in the country. The paper is and has always been a steady and reasonable voice for black equality in southeastern Pennsylvania. It reaches over 620,000 black readers weekly.

Schumer's Jihad Against Joe Sestak Is Making Many Senate Democrats Nervous

Tuesday is primary day in Pennsylvania. It looks like Trump will defeat Cruz and Kasich massively and that Clinton will chalk up a narrower victory over Bernie-- unless there's a massive turnout, in which case Bernie will chalk up a narrow victory over her. But many people are taking the presidential results for granted and are more interested in the Democratic Senate primary pitting former Congressman Joe Sestak-- an Admiral who is the highest-ranking military officer ever elected to Congress-- against machine boss hack Katie McGinty.