Senate 2016

Why Does Obama Always Endorse The Worst Candidates In Democratic Primaries?

When notorious drama queen #DebtTrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz set her hair on fire and went screeching to the White House that Bernie's political revolution was coming for her, Obama shut her up with a cynical endorsement of her reelection. It's no secret he wishes she would just disappear off the face of the earth already.

Patrick Murphy's Out Of Control Corruption-- A Perfect Symbol For Reid's Clouded Departure And Schumer's Ominous Arrival

I only ever had one argument with Keith Ellison. He wanted the Congressional Progressive Caucus to endorse Patrick Murphy when Murphy first ran for Congress against war criminal Allen West in 2012. I pointed out that Murphy was a rich, spoiled, drunken Republican without a single Democratic value-- let alone progressive value-- in his simple, fogged little mind. Ellison didn't dispute the obvious but claimed that Murphy would take direction from him.

Chuck Schumer Is Still Trying To Ram Patrick Murphy-- Damaged Goods-- Down Florida Democrats' Throats

Please click on the picture to read the funny little adWhat a mess Wall Street's campaign to drag Patrick Murphy into the Senate has turned into! The Finance Industry has already poured more money into Murphy's campaign than into any non-incumbent running for the Senate from either party-- $1,403,150.

Koch Brothers Prepare To Go To War Against Democrats, While Schumer, Reid And Wasserman Schultz Go To War Against Progressives

So what are the Democrats doing while the Koch brothers ready a $30 million Senate war-chest for August and September targeting races in Florida, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania? If you're on the DSCC mailing list you know they are asking for contributions on a daily basis.

Congressional Primaries Will Be Fought Right Through September-- Here Are The Important Ones

Of course, everyone was excited to see Bernie will a clear victory in Oregon Tuesday. He beat Hillary 320,746 (56.0%) to 251,739 (44.0%). The Berniecrat running in the 5th district, Dave McTeague, however didn't fare all that well in his race against the odious chief Blue Dog Kurt Schrader. Schrader outspent McTeague $442,433 to $30,629 and Schrader beat him 62,046 (72.9%) to 23,107 (27.1%).

It's Never Easy To Fight Tammany Hall On Your Own-- They Fight Back... And Really Dirty

The Ring of Fire interview (above) will give you a very good idea why he is so hated by corrupt shills like Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer. When they hear him saying things like he said in the interview, they know that although he doesn't mention their names, they are exactly who he;'s talking about-- and should be talking about.ProgressivePunch grades Harry Reid's lifetime voting record a "C," which seems very generous of them. There are 10 conservative Senate Democrats with even worse scores than Reid's pitiful 76.83.

On It's Second Anniversary Of Disgraceful Waste, Do Hillary Clinton Supporters Know Patrick Murphy Voted To Establish The Benghazi Committee?

2 of Congress' biggest idiots give conservatism a bad name-- Gowdy and MurphyConservatives always try to portray themselves-- falsely-- as serious stewards of the pubic purse. One of the biggest boondoggles in recent times, the Benghazi Committee, was authorized by the votes of 225 conservative Republicans and 7 of the most conservative Democrats to serve in Congress in the last 5 decades.