Senate 2016

The Florida Senate Race Shouldn't Be About Little Marco vs Little Patrick

Lucky I didn't throw away any of my Marco Rubio art. Little Marco knows he can't get a good job in the real world so he's flip-flopped on his promises to move away from the taxpayers' trough get out of politics. Did anyone ever seriously think he wouldn't run again after Trump drove him out of the presidential primary with his tale between his legs?

CBS Digs Deeper Into Wall Street's Callow, Mediocre Pick For A Florida Senate Seat: The Making Of Patrick Murphy

Jim DeFede continues the unmasking of phony little nonentity Patrick Murphy who has lied his way into power. Watch the devastating CBS report above. Wall Street, the DSCC and a powerful Saudi family are furiously pushing to get Murphy into the Senate and spending millions of dollars to do so.

Gun Nut DSCC Chairman Jon Tester Goes To War-- Against Alan Grayson

Jon Tester, the disappointing senator from Montana and Schumer's puppet chairman of the DSCC, had a busy Monday. He voted with the Republicans-- as he often does-- against the bill to pass meaningful background checks for gun purchases. That's the HEAD of the DSCC. AND, he authorized a million dollar spend against Alan Grayson in the Florida Senate primary-- a spend meant to help elect Wall Street whore Patrick Murphy.

Obama Enables Rubio Opportunism In Orlando's-- And America's-- Tragic Gun Massacre He Helped Cause

No one can wipe away Rubio's record of kowtowing to the NRA and voting against banning military-grade assault weaponsThe full weight and power of the establishment-- both the Republican establishment which has identified him as one of the most potent threats to their reactionary agenda and the no less venal Democratic establishment which cannot abide his independence, his political courage and the incorruptibility that threatens their whole way of life-- have come down

Beltway Political Bosses Don't Put Much Premium On The Independent Minded Or The Uncorruptible

Recently Farron Cousins spoke with Alan Grayson about why he has such a beef with the corporate establishment Democrats who run the Senate, particularly out-going leader Harry Reid and-- unless someone can stop him-- in-coming leader Chuck Schumer, two of the most grotesquely corrupt men to ever hold U.S. Senate seats.

Harry Reid Isn't Right About Much, But He's Right When He Says Marco Rubio Is "Damaged Goods"

Marco Rubio's political base is Miami Dade. In fact, when Trump swept Florida in the primary, Miami-Dade was the only county Rubio won. At least there they seemed to take Rubio's warning seriously that Trump is a dangerous con man unfit to be anywhere near the nuclear button. Trump, however, took Florida with 1,077,221 votes (45.7%) to Rubio's piss-poor 636,653 (27.0%) and Ted Cruz's 403,640 (17.1%).

34 Candidates And The Biggest Reaction To The California Senate Race Is A Well-Deserved Yawn

Blue America is backing several candidates in California's dysfunctional jungle primaries today. On the congressional side, we have endorsed one incumbent, Mike Honda (CA-17) and 4 challengers: Bill Ostrander (CA-24), Lou Vince (CA-25), Nanette Barragán (CA-44), Bao Nguyen (CA-46). I wound also recommend NO votes against 5 Democratic incumbents who have not earned reelection: Ami Bera (CA-07), Jim Costa (CA-16), Zoe Lofgren (CA-19), Pete Aguilar (D-31) and Scott Peters (CA-52).

Did Hillary Force #DebtTrapDebbie And Patrick Murphy To Stop Backing The Koch Brothers Payday Lenders Bill?

#DebtTrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't want to be called #DebtTrapDebbie any more. She may have realized it's been hurting her chances for winning reelection in her formerly impregnable South Florida redoubt. So in the last couple of days, she and the corrupt pipsqueak that started all this trouble-- Patrick Murphy, the Democratic lead sponsor of the pay day lenders bill-- withdrew their support for a bill they've both been trying to talk other Democrats into voting for.