Senate 2016

Patrick Murphy May Not Lie As Gracefully As Trump, But PolitiFact Finds A Clear Pattern Of Willful Deception

Chuck Schumer, in a mad rush to placate the Wall Street banksters angry about Elizabeth Warrem and Bernie Sanders being mean to them, promised he would deliver the Florida Senate nomination to their most dependable errand boy in Congress, Patrick Murphy. In doing so-- without adequately vetting the fatally flawed Murphy-- Schumer would be handing the competitive seat over to the GOP... if not for Alan Grayson, although Schumer and Harry Reid have worked long and hard to smear and destroy the House's most independent-minded and effective member.

Can You Imagine Hillary Ever Giving A Speech Like This One Elizabeth Warren Just Gave?

Elizabeth Warren, like FDR who saved capitalism from its own excesses, isn't much liked by banksters and capitalists. The banksters have spent more money trying to defeat her than they have on any other Senate candidate in recent years-- although at the rate they're contributing against Alan Grayson's campaign in Florida-- he could soon catch up with her. "Strong healthy markets," Warren explained in a keynote address last week at the New America think tank in DC, "are the key to a strong, healthy America." That doesn't sound anti-capitalist to me.

Does Schumer Wish He Had Vetted Patrick Murphy Before He Recruited Him To Run For The Senate?

I'm not supposed to write about this but last weekend Beltway party boss Chuck Schumer schlepped down to Florida for a come-to-Jesus meeting with his-- and Wall Street's-- puppet candidate, Patrick Murphy. No one taped the meeting but Schumer was down there to tell Murphy to stop screwing up, meaning that he should stop exaggerating his nonexistent accomplishments.

You'd Think California Is A Blue Enough State That They Could Elect Someone Of The Calibre Of Elizabeth Warren Or Bernie Sanders-- But You'd Be Wrong

The Sanchez sisters-- Loretta, the brainless one running for Senate, is wearing red6,883,458 people voted in the California presidential primary-- 4,763,930 in the Democratic primary and 2,119,528 in the Republican. The big vote-getters:

How Many Republican Congressional Careers Can Trumpy The Clown Kill By November?

I don't expect we'll see many ads as blatantly anti-Trump from Republican incumbents as the one above from Mark Kirk's campaign. I suppose he's gambling that any Trump die-hards who are so outraged by it that they won't vote for him, will be more than made up for by Illinois' independents. I don't think Trump has responded yet. Maybe no one has mentioned it to him or even told him Mark Kirk is a Republican senator.Trump knows Rubio, though. And it must infuriate him that Rubio is being negative about him again-- even if he's finally stopped making fun of Trump's deformed penis.