Senate 2016

Why Is President Obama Lying About Patrick Murphy's Record?

The TV spot targeting African-American voters in Tallahassee and Jacksonville that Obama cut for Patrick Murphy's drowning Senate primary campaign puts the president's credibility dangerously on the line. Murphy's record in the House is unquestionably one of the most reactionary and blatantly anti-progressive of any Democrat serving in the House.

Florida-- Fast-Times Paradise?

Blue America is going to start running the above video as a Google ad everywhere in Florida tomorrow. A generous Alan Grayson admirer gave us $9,000 for the campaign and we'll keep running it 'til the money runs out. If you like it and want to stay up on Google, please consider making a contribution at out I.E. committee here. You what's even better, though? Do you have a relative or a friend in Florida? Call her or him and talk about the Alan Grayson campaign for the Senate.

Patrick Murphy's Algae Bloom Crisis Of Character

At the behest of Wall Street, Schumer and the Democratic Party establishment have poured everything it's got into bolstering Patrick Murphy's pathetic Senate campaign-- even to the point of attempting the smear and destroy progressive icon Alan Grayson and his career. Schumer went so far as to threaten Bernie Sanders' hoped-for committee chairmanship if he did anything to help Grayson win the primary.

Ugghhh... Evan Bayh Is Back

Evan Bayh, son of a much admired progressive Indiana senator, Birch Bayh (1963-1981), served as governor of Indiana from 1989 'til 1997 and then ran for his father's old Senate seat. He voluntarily retired in 2010, fearful of being defeated in a building GOP wave, saying at the time "I want to be engaged in an honorable line of work" but instead he became a big time DC lobbyist (and Fox News contributor). He was one of the 2 or 3 most right-wing Democrats in the Senate, was one of Bush's biggest Democratic backers for both his attack on Iraq and for his TARP bankster bailout.

Wall Street Showers Patrick Murphy With Bribes In Gratitude For His Service To Them On The Financial Services Committee

Ahoy, Matey-- Patrick's gold-trimmed pirate hat courtesy of Bergdorf GoodmanSo how does this upbringing and this lifestyle manifest itself in the day to day life of a startlingly unqualified congressman who bought a House seat and now, with the help of a thoroughly corrupted and rotted out Democratic Establishment, thinks he is entitled to buy himself

Rubio Has One Path To Reelection: Patrick Murphy

Marco Rubio realized he wasn't going to be the Republican presidential nominee when he started seeing the polls from his home state, polls that showed him losing badly to Trumpy the Clown. And on election day, Florida did indeed give Rubio a big thumbs down-- or maybe the middle finger. Trump won all 99 delegates with 1,077,221 votes (45.7%). Rubio only won one county in the whole state, his own, Miami-Dade.