Senate 2016

Why Are Working Class Americans Dumping The Party Of FDR For The Party Of The Trumpanzee?

The two top contenders for the Democratic nomination for Florida's Senate seat are congressmen Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson. They don't have much else in common. Murphy is the handpicked dull-minded candidate of the party establishment, chosen specifically to assuage Wall Street banksters demanding Schumer balance out Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown.

The Trumpanzee Toxicity Up And Down The Ballot Is Becoming Clearer As Republicans Begin To Panic

The CBS battleground polls of likely voters that came out over the weekend for Virginia, Arizona and Nevada, is probably worrying for operatives at the NRSC and NRCC. Sure, the results were about the presidential race but these people have long written Mr. Trumpanzee off and their worries are about Republican candidates for Congress.

Trump Is Unlikely To Recover From His Disgraceful Treatment Of The Khan Family-- And Now He's On The Warpath Against Paul Ryan And John McCain

Today started with a Republican congressman, Richard Hanna, announcing he's voting for Hillary Clinton. He said he found Trump to be "profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader.

Who Knows Patrick Murphy?

Patrick Murphy has been in Congress almost 4 years and he's telling his constituents "no one knows who I am." While it's absolutely true that he appears to be the ultimate, unaccomplished backbencher with no bills, no amendments, no legislative input and no accomplishments of any kind that any of his constituents might be interested in, young Patrick is being... modest. Appearances can be deceptive. Patrick Murphy has collected more money from Wall Street banksters this cycle than anyone else in the entire House other than Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Where's Patrick?

When I moved back to America after living a vagabond/hippie life style for close to seven years in Asia and Europe, I didn't have a career path. I tried a few things based on my experiences in Europe, teaching photography, working in health food restaurants, writing... Eventually I wound up in San Francisco and got a job working in a public relations firm.

Meet Misty K. Snow, A Democratic Senate Candidate In Utah Who Chuck Schumer Refuses To Recognize

Pretty much the only Senate race in the whole country that DSCC bosses Chuck Schumer and Jon Tester refuse to even acknowledge exists is the one in Utah for the seat of far right extremist Mike Lee. The DSCC website lists every race-- including ones without candidates-- except the one in Utah, where they are somehow offended that a political outsider, a super-progressive transgender woman, Misty Katherine Snow, won the primary. Misty was an outspoken Bernie supporter, something that infuriated Schumer, of course.