Senate 2016

Saturday Afternoon With Little Chucky Schmucky-- Wall Street's Cat's Paw In The U.S. Senate

You can't imagine how hard Chuck Schumer pushed to win the Florida Senate nomination for not-Grayson. It helped that the hapless boob he put up has rich, ruthlessly corrupt parents willing to spend whatever, and that he had already proven himself an unquestioningly devoted Wall Street shill, voting with the GOP on the House Financial Services Committee to do whatever it took to disarm Wall Street oversight and reform.

Party Unity Means Something Different In English Than It Does In Beltway-Speak

The DSCC website lists all the Democratic candidates running for Senate this cycle-- except one. And they're not just listing the big battle grounds like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Illinois, Arizona, Florida and New Hampshire. The DSCC includes races where no one thinks there's one chance in 100 for the Democratic candidate to win-- like in Idaho where some guy named Jerry Sturgill is taking on Mike Crapo and in South Carolina, where Pastor Thomas Dixon is challenging Tim Scott.

Is Schumer Giving Up On Murphy And Strickland Already? What A Waste!

Schumer and his pathetic Montana sock-puppet, Jon Tester, spent millions of dollars people contributed to the DSCC to defeat Democrats Joe Sestak and Alan Grayson. Early in the cycle, Schumer informed Bernie Sanders that if he interfered with Schumer's 4th rate candidates in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Florida he would not be a committee chair when the next Senate convened.

How Chuck Schumer And Jon Tester Screwed Up The Democrats' Best Shot To Succeed In The Senate

Because of the seats that are up in 2016, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the Democrats would take back the Senate regardless of the top of the ticket. Trump just makes GOP defense more difficult. Unfortunately, because of the seats that are up in 2018, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the Republicans will take back the Senate.

Can The Democrats Actually Screw Up Winning Back The Senate? It Would Be Difficult, But Schumer's The One Who Could Do It

The GOP could never inflict the kind of damage on the Democrats that Schumer doesThursday night, the NY Times suddenly woke up to something we've been harping on all year-- only the Times referred to what we call DSCC incompetence and corruption as the Democrats we

In A Race Between Two Really Awful Senate Candidates, The Only Good Move Is To Refuse To Participate

Chuck Schumer has managed-- along with Montana sock puppet Jon Tester-- to set up a series of lesser-of-two-evils contests that will determine which party controls Congress. Ted Strickland and Katie McGinty are obviously unqualified to be U.S. senators and nothing would ever get me to vote for either.

The RNC Isn't Pulling The Plug Yet But They Are Already Stabbing Mr. Trumpanzee In The Back

There's been a steady stream of stories all of last week about how the RNC is "mulling" the idea of if-- or some even claim "when"-- they need to just give up on the self-destructive narcissist dragging down the whole party. Maybe Team Hillary is pushing the narrative. Or maybe the permutations of the large and growing #NeverTrump people are.

Today Is The First Day Of Early Voting For The Florida Primaries

Today is the first day of early voting for the August 30 Florida primary. As it always does, the corrupt, self-serving establishment has candidates it's trying to slip in, incumbents like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and even worse garbage, like Patrick Murphy, it's trying to advance up the ladder. This is the last great stand of the 2016 Democratic primary season-- where genuine progressives like Alan Grayson, Bob Poe and Tim Canova are battling all the worst the Democratic Party has to offer.Grayson's wife, Dr.