Senate 2016

Who Will Be The Front Runner For Barbara Boxer's Senate Seat In 2016?

Schiff and Newsom, the 2 from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-by Anonymous OperativeA little birdy tells me that Senator Barbara Boxer will not be seeking re-election in 2016. If in fact this source is accurate—- please note that this source accurately predicted Congressman Henry Waxman’s abrupt decision to retire—- a political war is soon set to begin in California’s Democratic politics.

What right-wing scumbags say vs. what they actually do, PA edition

by KenI love this.By way of background, I have an e-mail screen name that wound up being used mostly for political mailings, including campaign stuff. Do I have to tell you what an incredible amount of sludge it draws? I dread even looking at the list of new posts, and manage to do it periodically only so I can keep the sludge from piling up.

Ted Cruz, Führer Of The Value Voters Summit Neo-Fascist Fringe

All my friends think I'm crazy for asserting-- all year-- that the Republicans will pick Ted Cruz as their sacrificial lamb to face Hillary in 2016. Some of them are deluding themselves that Hillary will even be the nominee-- pure wishful thinking-- but most point to polls that show Cruz is way down at the bottom of the pack.

Can Marijuana Help Rid American Politics Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

When she was a state Senator, Debbie Wasserman Schultz made a deal with the Republicans to gerrymander Florida in a way that was extremely advantageous to the GOP and gave them control of far more congressional seats than the statewide voting patterns would have predicted. But it was also very advantageous to-- you guessed it-- Debbie Wasserman Schultz (and some of her crooked cronies from both sides of the aisle in the state legislature).

Will North Carolina Veterans Remember Richard Burr In 2016?

In the segment above, Rachel Maddow put into context Richard Burr's deranged attack on American veterans groups. A politicized lawnmower salesman who avoided military service himself, Burr claims to be a distant relative of Aaron Burr, who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. This Burr is also the ranking Republican on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, not the Senate Lawnmower And Small Appliances Committee.