Senate 2016

Chuck Schumer And Jon Tester Would Rather See Toomey Reelected Than See Joe Sestak Win The Pennsylvania Seat

Sestak and Schumer-- One served his country and one serves his Wall Street donorsAs new top dog among Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer oversees Jon Tester and the DSCC. And sometimes it looks like the two of them are more engaged in disparaging progressive candidates than in getting actual Democrats elected.

Schumer Plants His Contemptible Lies To Assassinate Alan Grayson's Good Name

One of my guilty pleasures is E's first scripted TV series, The Royals. On a recent episode the evil queen Helena demands her p.r. assistant get some sniveling hack from the media on the phone so she could plant a journalistic question to unravel her enemy, Prince Liam's lovely girl friend, Ophelia, even if they had to go all the way up the chain to Rupert Murdoch.

Are Chuck Schumer And Jon Tester Trying To Take Over Ohio Next?

Rank-and-file Democrats are smart enough to make their own decisions, and don't need party insiders and bosses telling them how to vote, especially not party insiders and bosses from Inside-the-Beltway. Democratic voters in Florida know Patrick Murphy isn't a real Democrat no matter how deeply buried up his ass Jon Tester has been instructed by Chuck Schumer to bury his head.

Ted Strickland: "The Times They Are A-Changin'"

Bob Dylan wrote "The Times They Are A-Changin'" in 1963 and it was the title track for his 1964 album release. The impact and influence of the song is probably unprecedented-- or at least was when I was growing up in the 1960s. Ohio Senate candidate and former Governor Ted Strickland is less than a decade older than I am but the '60s was still part of his growing to maturity era.

Can McCain Win The Republican Senatorial Primary In Arizona Next Year?

The DSCC isn't counting on Arizona in the 2016 battle to regain the Senate majority for the Democrats. John McCain, age 78 and first elected to Congress in 1982, is running again and a new poll from PPP shows him beating any of the potential Democratic nominees. The Republicans could, however, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.