Senate 2016

Jeb Embraces The Republican War On Women

To be fair, none of the Republican presidential hopefuls have good planks on support for American families. Their misogyny is showing. And so is their fear that Trump will continue sucking up all the oxygen in the room with his bizarre right-wing pronouncements. Jeb strategy has been careening back and forth between trying to play the role of the vaguely mainstream adult in the room and trying, quite inauthentically, to get to the right of Trump.

Central Florida Building and Construction Trades Council Endorses Grayson For U.S. Senate

Democratic Party political boss and throwback Chuck Schumer has no primary and no viable Republican opponent for reelection next year. So he has plenty of time to sit on the phone calling progressive donors and threatening them for backing Alan Grayson in his Democratic primary battle against Schumer's conservative puppet, New Dem/"ex"-Republican Patrick Murphy, who has just spent 3 years in Congress voting to back Boehner's and Wall Street's agenda.

Alan Grayson Introduces Legislation To Expand Medicare

Wednesday my doctor told me that I'm recovering from 9 months of cancer treatment much more rapidly and strongly than she expected. She was so overjoyed that she told me that instead of coming to the hospital for checkups twice a week, I can come twice a month. One thing that was really lucky for me is that I was diagnosed when I was 66, a year into my relationship with Medicare. As president of a division of TimeWarner, I had incredible health insurance (part of my employment contract). My coverage lacked for nothing.

Dodd-Frank Is Five Years Old Today... Will Conservatives Murder It?

Today is the fifth anniversary of Dodd-Frank, a package of legislative reforms that has helped protect American consumers from Wall Street banksters and other financial predators. It needs to be expanded and strengthened, but the full weight and power of the Republican Party has been devoted to gutting it and making it unworkable.