Senate 2016

Grayson-- Always For Peace-- Backs The Iran Deal

Grayson was in a relatively foul mood when I spoke with him late yesterday. He had spent a good part of it in a dark, dreadful little room where congressmembers who want to read classified information have to go-- without any electrical devices or even a pen and paper. Nothing can be copied. And almost no Members ever bother. But Grayson always bothers. He goes down into the cave whenever he has to vote on anything pertaining to national security and finds the relevant documents and tapes.

Sewer Money And "Ex"-Republican Patrick Murphy Of Florida

Chuck Schumer has been spending a shocking amount of time on the phone bothering Democratic donors-- personally-- and cajoling, begging and threatening them not to contribute money to Alan Grayson's Senate campaign. He claims Grayson's progressive agenda makes him "unelectable" (the word that Schumer uses on every call, and that his minions use when they talk to media outlets) in purple Florida.

What Florida New Dem Patrick Murphy Did To Undermine Hillary Clinton

On May 8, 2014, the Republicans rammed through a resolution to establish the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, a committee specifically designed as a witch hunt to drag Hillary Clinton through the mud and sully her name before the 2016 presidential election. Every single Republican voted YES (225 of them) and 186 Democrats voted NO.

How Much Damage Will Trump And The Also-Rans Do To The GOP's Slim Hopes Of Holding The Senate Majority?

Will Trump's racist approach inadvertently save Michael Bennet's Senate seat?The Republican Party brand is now so damaged among key electoral groups-- you can start with rapidly growing/rapidly registering-to-vote Hispanic-Americans and high-propensity Asian-American voters-- that not only is it likely that whoever emerges as the party's nominee will be unable to cobble together a winning coalition in 2016 but it's likely that more and more Senate seats will fall outside

Blue America Endorses Paul Clements For Congress (MI-06)... And Donna Edwards Takes The Lead In Maryland

Last cycle Republican Fred Upton spent $3,941,684 on his reelection bid against progressive first-time candidate Paul Clements, who managed to raise $793,717. 68% of Upton's money ($2,668,096) came from PACs. Upton, who was first elected to Congress in 1986, was reelected with 55.8% of the vote.