Senate 2016

GOP Anarchists Put Off Their Next Government Shutdown 'Til Just Before Christmas-- Very Sick People

Yesterday the Senate-- and then the House-- voted to pass a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government open at least until December 11. Every Democrat in the Senate and every Democrat in the House voted yes, of course. And in the Senate, where it passed 78-20, all but 20 extreme right nihilist Republicans and infantile anarchist Republicans voted in favor, despite Ted Cruz's lament about shutting the whole thing down.

Remember When Patrick Murphy Voted With His Republican Pals To Undermine Obamacare?

Patrick Murphy was a lifelong Republican who maxed out in contributions to Mitt Romney and then-Republican Charlie Crist but switched party registration four months before running for Congress as a "Democrat." Predictably-- very predictably-- since getting into Congress, he's amassed one of the most Republican voting records of any Democrat in the House.

Progressive Democrats Are The Key To Taking Back The Senate From The Reactionaries And Shutting Down Nihilists

Ted Cruz and his fascist-oriented wing of the Republican Party are still determined to shut down the government again, despite the overwhelming majority of Americans opposing it. The Americans who support the idea are in the backward, mostly Confederate districts represented by these ass-clowns. They haven't done it yet, and McConnell is ignoring their bellowing, so it's something that may be put off... till right before Christmas time! Fortunately, Democrats are pretty united against the crackpot scheme and Cruz's infantile blackmail strategy.

Establishment Greed And Dysfunction Destroying American Democracy?

Long Island GOP crackpot Peter King went further than just calling the Liberty Caucus members who forced Boehner to retire "the crazies." He also told CNN's Dana Bash that "the time for appeasement is over." And who he's talking about appeasing are the Confederate slime and their allies who have taken over the Republican Party.

Are Voters Turning Against The Establishment Strongly Enough To Elect John Fetterman To The U.S. Senate?

I haven't lived in Pennsylvania in over a decade, and when I first heard about a guy named John Fetterman jumping into the Democratic primary for the Senate seat currently held by right-wing Republican Pat Toomey, I didn't understand what that meant. This guy looks like a biker, I thought-- and that town 10 miles east of Pittsburgh he's the mayor of, Braddock, has a population of just over 2,000. But I called him anyway... and was impressed with how down to earth and straightforward he is. And for real.

Sherrod Brown And Patrick Murphy Are Not Two Peas In A Pod

Would you trust an organization asking you for contributions if you knew they had endorsed Joe Lieberman and Blanche Lincoln? Council for a Livable World has been around for a long time and they've done some very good work, but they've also asked their followers to contribute to those two and to reactionaries like John Sparkman of Alabama, a racist and a signatory to the Southern Manifesto in opposition to the 1954 U.S.

Patrick Murphy-- Even Worse Than You Imagined

Recently Jim DeFede interviewed Patrick Murphy on WFOR-TV. He's a solid interviewer, and his questions helped bring out not just Murphy's despicable voting record but what he's all about. A couple of minutes into this segment DeFede asks Murphy, best known as Wall Street's most dedicated handmaiden on the Democratic side of the aisle, about greed. "Wall Street is going great," DeFede says. "Through the roof.

Alan Grayson-- In The Proud Tradition Of Lawton Chiles

When Schumer calls Democratic donors to demand they not help fund Alan Grayson's campaign for the open Florida Senate seat, he never says, "We need another Wall Street whore like me, not someone with a record of holding banksters accountable like that damn Elizabeth Warren." No, he never says that. Instead he says, "Grayson is not electable in a purple state like Florida. We need someone more middle of the road...