Senate 2016

If Conservatives Refuse To Protect Us Against NRA Terror, What Good Are They Really?

The video above is a pretty strong statement from P.G. Sittenfeld's Ohio Senate campaign. He's running in a primary against the NRA's most prized Democrat, Ted Strickland, so that he can take on the incumbent Republican, Rob Portman, who's almost been as slavish an NRA shill as Strickland has been. This week, the Senate Democrats voted as a block to end gun sales to terrorism suspects.

Trumpf Has The Vocabulary Of A 4th Grader But He's Outsmarted All The GOP Establishment Brainiacs

No one would doubt that Trumpf is cunning and manipulative but people might argue if you called him "intelligent." Yesterday in one of his childish twitter tantrums, he referred to right-wing journalist Jennifer Rubin as a person with a "low IQ." I have no idea what her IQ is, although she never struck me as particularly brilliant. But neither has Trumpf...

Is There A Connection Between Patrick Murphy's Over-The-Top Corruption And His Campaign Emails?

The DCCC may be stupid-- or even very stupid (as well as utterly incompetent)-- but their e-mail strategy is very well-planned out. Their overarching goal is not primarily to rake in cash-- although, obviously, they love that-- but to destroy the capacity for grassroots Democrats to have an independent means of raising money for progressive and independent-minded candidates.

In Ohio And DC, Decrepit Democratic Bosses Are Locking Out The Guy Who Is Actually Their Best Senate Bet

Little Chucky Schucky hasn't even taken over as Senate Democratic Leader yet, but he's already calling the shots. And one of his first shots was to decree that Ohio's Democratic nominee against Republican incumbent Rob Portman shall be Ted Strickland, the other half of the conservative Bobbsey Twins. Strickland is a wretched conservative trying to pass himself off as a progressive for the sake of the primary. But anyone who has watched him amass his putrid record in the House and as Governor, know that Strickland is a Democrat of a couple of generations back, not a progressive.

When Their Careers Are On The Line, Conservatives Vote With Progressives On The Environment

It's always funny-- or sad, depending on your perspective-- to see how conservatives back away from their principles eagerness to serve their corporate masters when their careers are in jeopardy. The Florida Senate race, for example, has Partrick Murphy suddenly calling himself a "champion of the middle class" and an "environmentalist," while his record paints an entirely different picture.

In The Florida Senate Race, Conservatives David Jolly And Patrick Murphy Are Wall Street's Two Peas In A Pod

We've said it before but others are catching on now too: if Florida Democrats vote to nominate conservative New Dem Patrick Murphy in March, they will have essentially no substantive choice in November. Murphy has far more in common politically with lkely GOP nominee, David Jolly, than he does with progressive Alan Grayson.