Senate 2016

What does it mean to be a Schumercrat? Let's Look At A Pennsylvania Schumercrat, Katie McGinty

In the video above, the establishment candidate for the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nomination, Katie McGinty, is very clear that she didn't accept any money from the oil and gas industry. That's what Democrats expect from their nominees since the oil and gas industry seeks to bribe politicians with funding. Pennsylvania Democrats ended the sleazy career of pro-fracking Blue Dog Tim Holden in 2012 when progressive insurgent Matt Cartwright called him out for his ties to Big Oil.

Elijah Cummings Will Not Be Running For Senate In Maryland

In the last couple of days Republicans Reid Ribble or Wisconsin and Stephen Fincher of Tennessee have announced they won't be running for reelection. No loss-- in either case-- although, the corrupt, incompetent, basically moribund DCCC has no candidates in either district. For more interesting was an announcement from a far more accomplished congressman, Elijah Cummings (D-MD), filed to run again which is a big deal because it was thought he might run for the U.S.

Who's Paying For Patrick Murphy's Sleazy, Conservative Political Career?

One of Chuck Schumer's and Steve Israel's front groups for tricking low-info grassroots Democrats into contributing to their Wall Street candidates disguised as Democrats calls itself EndCitizensUnited, a scam that funnels money into its own pockets and to right-of-center Democrats like Patrick Murphy (New Dem-FL), Kyrsten Sinema (Blue Dog-AZ), John Delaney

A Look At Two Contrasting Endorsements In The Florida Senate Race

Chuck Schumer's corrupt candidate for the open Florida Senate seat, Patrick Murphy-- recently voted the most ineffective Member of Congress-- and the House's most effective progressive, Alan Grayson both announced very telling endorsements yesterday. Grayson was endorsed by Jane Kleeb, the grassroots organizer who helped kill the Keystone XL Pipeline.

A Look At Two Contrasting Endorsements In The Florida Senate Race

Chuck Schumer's corrupt candidate for the open Florida Senate seat, Patrick Murphy-- recently voted the most ineffective Member of Congress-- and the House's most effective progressive, Alan Grayson both announced very telling endorsements yesterday. Grayson was endorsed by Jane Kleeb, the grassroots organizer who helped kill the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Wall Street Isn't Hiding Its Intentions For The 2016 Elections-- The Banksters' Plan For The Senate

In November of 2014 William Cohan, author of Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World, penned a feature for Politico, Why Wall Street Loves Hillary, the sub-headline of which was "She's trying to sound populist, but the banks are ready to shower her campaign with cash." And they have done just that.

Pennsylvania Senate Candidate John Fetterman Endorses Bernie Sanders For President

I got a call from John Fetterman today. He was in New York, killing some time before his appearance on tonight's Larry Willmore Show. "I thought you'd want to know," he blurted out, "I just endorsed Bernie." Wow! That came out of the blue... oh, not the call. I've talked with Fetterman a few times before-- he even did a guest post for DWT-- but I had no idea he was going to buck the Clinton Machine like that.