Senate 2016

The Values-Free Schumercrat Candidates Oppose Obama On Guantánamo

This is probably a bad year for a candidate to be counting on establishment endorsers. But the DC Democratic establishment hasn't figured that out yet. The wretched pro-Wall Street Schumercrats the establishment is running against progressives are all bragging about endorsements they've gotten from pathetic figures who are despised by the Americans who have heard of them.

Chuck Grassley's Obstructionist Role In Blocking President Obama's Judicial Nominee

Senatorial obstructionist clown show, Mitch and ChuckIf you've been following along with the news about President Obama replacing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, you no doubt noticed that the Republicans have dragged us to the brink of an unprecedented Constitutional crisis. As far as I can tell, this is the first time in the country’s history where a hyper-partisan gaggle of right-wing senators are blatantly and explicitly refusing to do th

To What Extremes Will The Establishment Go To Cling To Their Power?

I've never seen anything like the smear campaign against a Democrat like the one Chuck Schumer is orchestrating against Alan Grayson. Corrupt creatures of Wall Street, Schumer and Reid are hysterical that they're failing to get traction in Florida with their efforts to get their ultra-conservative, "ex"-Republican twerp-candidate, Patrick Murphy, into the Senate.

Grayson And The Establishment-- Not Exactly Like A Horse And Carriage

In this tweet yesterday, Washington Post columnist and notorious villager Aaron Blake was trying to drive traffic to an article by a colleague, Amber Phillips, about Orlando congressman Alan Grayson, who both referred to as "Congress' most bizarre member," presumably, at least in Amber's and Aaron's world, more bizarre than, for example,

Has McConnell Inadvertently Boxed The Senate Republicans In On A Scalia Replacement?

Is Miss McConnell losing his touch? Scalia's corpse wasn't even cold yet-- and the GOP conspiracy theories about his death barely formed-- when he screwed up big time by announcing that President Obama would be barred by the Senate from appointing a replacement to the Supreme Court. Any replacement.

Alan Grayson Is a Superdelegate. Help Him Decide — Sanders or Clinton?

It's coming from the feelThat this ain't exactly realOr it's real but it ain't exactly thereby Gaius PubliusAh democracy; it creeps in through the cracks, even through the cracks of the deliberately undemocratic use of superdelegates by the king- and queenmakers in the Democratic Party. (Ironic name, that.)Here's what I mean by "undemocratic" — Debbie Wasserman Schultz explains it to Jake Tapper (h/t Daily Kos diarist Th0rn; my emphasis):

Obama Will Be The ONLY Black President To Ever Try To Name A Supreme Court Justice In His Final Year!

In the video above, Ted Cruz is lying his ass off, not because he expects anyone sane will believe him, but because the South Carolina Republican presidential primary is coming up. McConnell, Jeb Bush, Rubio, Herr Trumph, Chuck Grassley and lots of other high profile Republicans have demanded President Obama not appoint a replacement for far right Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Rubio was on Meet the Press Sunday either demonstrating his ignorance or just lying to the viewers. "Both parties have followed this precedent.

House Republicans And NRA-Dems Once Again Reject A Call To STUDY Gun Violence

Yesterday the House passed Lamar Smith's Scientific Research in the National Interest Act (H.R. 3293) 236-178, all but 7 Democrats voting NO and all but 4 Republicans voted YES. Donna Edwards wrote an amendment that was meant to allow scientific research about the national epidemic of gun violence and it was brought to the floor as the Democrats' Motion to Recommit.

Alan Grayson Explains Why He's Supportive Of Both Bernie And Hillary-- But Not Endorsing Either Over The Other

Yesterday Alan Grayson was interviewed by the Real News Network. You can watch it above and read some of it below. Alan is running for the U.S. Senate seat in Florida that Marco Rubio has abandoned. One of the most right-wing House Democrats, Patrick Murphy-- a "former" Republican with a very rich and very crooked Republican pappy who pays for his campaigns-- is running against Alan on behalf of Wall Street. The banksters have given Murphy more money than any other candidate for Senate who isn't already in the Senate-- a lot more.