Senate 2016

When Party Leaders Abandon Democrats, Democrats Abandon Them Back

Sellus Wilder is the progressive Democrat-- Democratic wing of the Democratic Party-- running for the Kentucky Senate seat currently occupied by Rand Paul. The Democratic Establishment has their own candidate in the primary, Jim Gray, all ready to do all the same old GOP-lite things Democrats do in Kentucky to lose elections.

Can North Carolina Democrats Replace Unpopular Obstructionist Richard Burr (R) With Deborah Ross (D)?

North Carolina Senator Richard Burr isn't all that popular back home and he'll have to face the voters in November in a race against former state Rep. and former North Carolina head of the ACLU, Deborah Ross. Last week, each won their respective primaries, Burr with 437,136 votes (61.9%) and Ross with 445,772 votes (63.3%). As of the February 24 FEC deadline Burr had spent $2,693,982 on his race and Ross had spent $635,999 on hers.

Not News: Corrupt Establishment Democrats Don't Like Sestak Or Fetterman-- They Have Their Own Candidate

Yesterday, centrist/establishment Pennsylvania senator, Bob Casey, joined all the other centrist/establishment figures who are trying to destroy Joe Sestak's career. Casey endorsed the latest anyone-but-Sestak candidate, establishment's 6th choice, Katie McGinty. Let me amend that-- McGinty is the establishment's anyone-but-Sestak-except-Fetterman candidate.

Tomorrow's Non-Presidential Primaries

The corrupt Democratic establishment has been far more successful shutting down primaries than has the corrupt Republican establishment. Primaries are usually the only way it ever challenge entrenched incumbents in gerrymandered safe districts. All Americans actually owe the Tea Party a debt of gratitude for scaring the congressional Republicans and for cleaning out some trash, particularly Wall Street whore Eric Cantor.

Why Primaries Are Just As Important As General Elections-- Sometimes More So

The SisterGiant/Blue America Progressive Candidates Forum video above features interviews by Marianne Williamson with Alan Grayson (D-FL), DuWayne Gregory (D-NY) and Alex Law (D-NJ). DuWayne is already the official Democratic Party candidate running for the Long Island seat held by Republican neocon Peter King. Grayson and Law, however, are in important primaries against conservative Democrats. Both of them are on Bernie's team and both of them challenging establishment bosses' picks for the offices they seek.

America-- Not Just The GOP-- Is Having A Moment-- Confronting Fascism

Herr Trumpf isn't just saying "Geh von meinem Rasen" (get off my lawn). He's trying a very real political revolution of his own... a fascist revolution based of fear-based violence. Please watch Rachel Maddow's clip above; I never use the words "must see" but I am today. I've been taking Trump as a laughing matter. I'm not any more. I'm not going to call him Herr Trumpf any longer on this blog. He's Trump. Joke is over. No more, "ha, ha, ha... look what the stupid Republicans have done to their pathetic party.

P.G. Sittenfeld or Ted Strickland: Climate or Coal?

Climate champion P.G. Sittenfeld is the one choice for the U.S. Senate from Ohioby Gaius PubliusI've been watching the Ohio Senate primary contest between former governor Ted Strickland and progressive P.G. Sittenfeld with interest. I keep having to remind myself that Strickland is actually a Democrat and that the race is still in the primary phase.

Is The Corrupt DC Democratic Establishment Trying To Take Over Your State's Democracy? It Is In Ohio

At tonight's SisterGiant/BlueAmerica progressive candidates forum (6pm, PT; 9pm back East), Marianne is interviewing congressional candidates Mike Noland from Illinois and Mike Manypenny from West Virginia. Last night she spoke with Rep. Ted Lieu (CA), Carol Shea-Porter (NH) and Rubin Kihuen (NV). That link just above allows you to watch the brand new interviews and the archived ones as well.