
Two More Democrats Jump Into A Hot Orange County Congressional Race

What a contrast between Gil Cisneros, a fabulously wealthy "ex"-Republican lottery winner from Newport Coast who is bribing DCCC power players to back him, and Sam Jammal, a lifelong homegrown progressive who worked in the Obama administration and then as a clean energy executive. Although Cisneros' $10 million beach-front mansion is as far from CA-39's middle class neighborhoods as if it were in Scarsdale, NY or Darien, Connecticut or any other self-segregated rich-people-only enclave, he now vowing to buy another home in the district. Why not?

Plutocrat For Congress?

Recently Eric, a longtime Blue America supporter in Mandeville Canyon, contributed $500, over ten times the average Blue America contribution. He divided it evenly between 15 candidates and each candidate got $33.33, except Mary Ellen Balchunis, Doug Applegate, Paul Clements and DuWayne Gregory, who got $33.34 each. The same day, another long-time supporter, Susan in Swarthmore sent in $5,000 and each candidate got $333.33.

What's Worse, Stinking Rich Self-Funders Or Candidates Who Sell Their Souls For Contributions?

Florida politics is a case study in campaign finance corruptionIf you like conservative spoiled rich kid Patrick Murphy-- and apparently voters along Florida's Treasure Coast do-- there's no reason why you wouldn't like conservative spoiled rich kid Randy Perkins, the newly-minted "Democrat" who's running for the congressional seat Murphy is giving u

2016's Sorry Batch Of Self-Funders Are All Crooked Conservatives, As Usual

Money always buys access-- the Trones and you-know-whoA week from tomorrow Maryland's wealthiest wine and beer distributor, David Trone of Total Wine and More, is likely to come in 3rd in a primary contest for the seat in the DC suburbs Chris Van Hollen is giving up to challenge Donna Edwards for the open U.S. Senate seat.

What Ever Happened To The Party of the People... Follow The Money

Many concerned Californians felt very let down when the establishment shills inside the California Democratic Party-- the Gavin Newsom wing basically-- backed away from holding reactionary New Dem Ami Bera accountable at the recent state convention by ending the short-lived withholding on the Democratic Party endorsement.