
Russian hacker logic summed up in 5 bullet points, that makes Obama look like a sore loser child

Every now and then I run across a post that sums up much of the madness disseminating from main stream media that need to be shared with The Duran readers…who will hopefully share the post further on.
This below article from Zerohedge, authored by David Battistella, entitled “On Russian Hacking, The Only Narrative That Matters Is Truth” is worth reading and equally worth sharing.

Craig Murray reveals more info on Clinton email leaks: “This is a Washington insider, it is not Russia”

Craig Murray, a former UK diplomat and whistleblower speaks to RT to discuss the US Intelligence Community report that Russia, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, meddled in last year’s US presidential election, through hacking and propaganda.
Skip ahead to the 6:50 mark to listen to Craig Murray (when pressed by RT’s Kevin Owen), give a bit more information as to the identity of the person behind the Clinton email leak…

“Definitely on the American side. This is a Washington insider…it is not Russia.

Turkey accuses US hackers of disrupting its energy system

Fresh evidence of the “confidence crisis” in US-Turkish relations has come with the claim by Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak that recent breakdowns in Turkey’s power supply were caused by cyber-attacks coming from the US

In recent days the Energy Ministry underwent a number of powerful cyberattacks that were conducted from the United States

Former NSA agent turned whistleblower calls the ODNI Russian hacking report a “joke!”

Former NSA agent and whistleblower Bill Binney went to RT to discuss Friday’s US government report on “Russian activities and intentions” in the 2016 presidential election.
Binney was clear in his interpretation of the ODNI report, that claims to make the connection between Wikileaks and Russian hacking, by stating that US intelligence agencies have “lost their professional discipline in producing intelligence.”

Trump Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, folds to Fox News, and says Russia is behind “fake news” election hack

Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace is firmly on board the “Russian hacking” fake news, now being widely propagated throughout the establishment media.
Wallace hammered Reince Priebus hard. The former Republican National Committee chairman and soon to be White House Chief of Staff fully acknowledge that Trump understands that Moscow was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party.
Wallace was adamant in obtaining an admission from Priebus that Russia was guilty of hacking US systems…