
US Congress compares “Russian hack” to 9-11 attack. Demands commission be set up to investigate Russia

Here is some advice for the Democrats sitting in Congress spreading “fake news”.
Instead of creating a “9-11” type of committee to investigate the “fake news” claim that Russia hacked the US elections because “big and bad” Vladimir Putin was upset with “poor, little helpless” Hillary Clinton, why don’t the Democrats call for a real 9-11 commission to fully investigate 9-11 (beyond what was published last year with the 28 page report).

Massive military build up in Poland picks up speed as NATO signals “war-like” offensive action towards Russia

Yesterday The Duran reported on Poland’s acquisition of 70 AGM-158B JASSM-ER (extended range) missiles, giving the NATO member state first strike capability deep inside Russian territory.
Thousands of NATO troops, tanks, and equipment have been sent to Poland and NATO countries bordering Russia by Washington as a “defense against Russian aggression.”

George Clooney may hate Trump, but he hopes Trump “can do a decent job” as US President

It’s no secret that George Clooney was a huge Hillary Clinton surrogate.
And much like all of Hollywood, Clooney is feeling the sting of a Trump victory delivered by a US populace that could care less what stuck up Hollywood liberals preach.

Remember at the Cannes Film Festival last year, when George Clooney said those famous words…

Kellyanne Conway brushes off Obama’s childish behavior, hints at a Trump – Russia détente

Donald Trump’s top adviser Kellyanne Conway, spoke with USA Today ahead of, what will be, the final stretch towards inauguration day. In the interview Conway discusses Barack Obama’s final days in office, Russian hacking, and the sore loser Democrats.
By now it is no secret that Barack Obama has decided on a scorched earth policy in his transition out of the White House…making sure that the soon to be President Trump inherits as many problems as possible. One of those problems being the “fake news” Russian hacker story conjured up by the outgoing POTUS.

South Korea ‘to take out’ Kim Jong-un in event of war

Reports that South Korea is setting up a Special Forces unit numbering 2,000 men tasked with killing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the event of war comes directly after Kim Jong-un recent address that North Korea is close to having its first intercontinental ballistic missile (“ICBM”), which supposedly is to be tested over the course of this year.

Poland acquires missiles from USA that can strike deep inside Russian territory

Poland is fast becoming the launchpad for a NATO/US “first strike” against Russia.
A NATO Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense site is to be positioned in Poland in 2018. A direct and provocative threat to Russia’s security.
Poland will host rapid response troops starting in 2017, and has demanded a permanent NATO base.

Cyprus peace talks underway to reunify the island

Direct talks take place today in Geneva between Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akıncı in what have been called “the best and last chance” to achieve a settlement of the decades long conflict which has divided the island nation.
The direct talks between Anastasiades and Akıncı are preparatory for a formal conference commencing in Geneva on 12th January 2017, which will bring not only these two leaders together but also the so-called “guarantor powers” – Greece, Turkey and Britain.