Secret Service

Secret Service Sought to Defame Congressman Who Was Probing Agency

Sputnik – 01.10.2015 A government watchdog report released on Wednesday contains information suggesting that an assistant director of the Secret Service wanted “embarrassing” information leaked about a congressman who was critical of the agency. “Some information that he might find embarrassing needs to get out,” Assistant Director Edward Lowery wrote in an email to another […]

Breaking news from "In the Loop": "No, Secret Service agents don’t think jokes at their expense are funny"

by KenWhy, who'd-a thunk it? As the Washington Post's Colby Itkowitz sums up her "In the Loop" report (which ran under the head I've put in the title of this post): "Seems even the toughest guys have a sensitive side.""The Secret Service has received a lot of bad press lately," Colby begins that report.

At least the Secret Service is aiming to become more media-savvy

"The Media Relations course prepares executives for television and radio interviews, and encounters with the media on routine matters as well as during crisis situations. . . ."-- from the Secret Service's posted brief for media consultantsby KenAs we all know, the U.S. Secret Service has of late had more than its share, or at least way more than it would like, of media attention to its boys-will-be-boys agents.

Forget Comparing Renisha to Trayvon. How Do the Stories of Renisha McBride and Miriam Carey Stack Up?

By Scott Creighton | American Everyman | November 16, 2013

What is the stunning similarity between the Renisha McBride story and that of Miriam Carey? What justifies prosecution in the former and complete silence in the latter? You might be surprised just how obvious this hypocrisy is. And no, it’s not about race.