BREAKING: Turkish and Kurdish forces fighting in northern Syria

According to al-Masdar, Kurdish YPG forces are currently engaged in combat with Turkish forces in Afrin. The northern Syrian region has been under the control of Kurdish led SDF forces since 2012.
This masks yet another escalation of Turkey’s ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation which has seen Turkish armed forces with their allied jihadist group FSA occupying Syrian land.

Over 55 Syrian Civilians Killed By US-Led Air Strike This Week

(MEEAt least 56 civilians, including 11 children, have been killed by US-led coalition air strikes outside a Syrian village held by the Islamic State (IS) group, a monitoring group said.
Dozens more civilians were injured in the strikes, including some who were in serious condition, the British based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said.

Syrian army liberates 18 villages in Aleppo from Daesh

The fresh gains also tightened noose on Daesh as they included two strategic roads that used to serve as supply routes for the terror group: the main road connecting Shaddadah to Daesh-held city of Mosul in Iraq and another road connecting it to Raqqah, the takfiris' de facto capital. Having lost these two routes, the Takfiris in the area were forced to retreat towards the Dayr al-Zawr province, which is mostly under their control.