scott rothstein

PPR episode 201 Jeffrey Epstein, Wackenhut, and mobbed up ninjas

I recorded a short episode talking about the recent release of documents on the 2006-2008 prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein. I discussed why State Attorney Dave Aronberg decided to make these files publicly available. Later I touched on a few strange tidbits I found, including a story about Epstein employing Wackenhut security guards and a “ninja” […]

The Ochelli Effect: Uncertainty Equation Bitcoin Greasy Trump

In the first hour of Tuesday night Ochelli Effect Chuck and the author of “The War State” Mike Swanson wander through the impressions gathered by two people far outside the craze that is currently Bitcoin Mania. How is this current trend like other trends in the past? How is it something completely different? this is just the opener of the conversation that might be a new trend in presentations on a Tuesday.