
Over 500 scholars launch fightback against Israel lobby

Hundreds of international scholars have begun a fightback against pro-Israel lobbyists who have been scoring increasingly high-profile victories on UK campuses as they seek to curb academic freedoms under the guise of stamping out antisemitism. Glasgow university officials have found themselves in the eye of a storm this week, accused of “capitulating” in two separate […]

What’s Up With COP26?

The UK (in partnership with Italy) will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, COP26 in Glasgow on October 31- November 12, 2021. COP26 will be one of the most significant meetings in modern human history, comparable to the meeting of the Big Three at the Tehran Conference November 28, 1943 when […]
The post What’s Up With COP26? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Craig Murray’s jailing is the national security state’s latest assault on independent journalism

Former British diplomat and independent journalist Craig Murray is the first person imprisoned in the UK over media contempt in 50 years. This article was originally published at Jonathan Cook’s blog. Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no prior convictions, will have to hand himself over to the Scottish police on Sunday morning. He becomes the first person ever to be imprisoned on […]

Craig Murray’s jailing is the latest move in a battle to snuff out independent journalism

Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no prior convictions, will have to hand himself over to the Scottish police on Sunday morning. He becomes the first person ever to be imprisoned on the obscure and vaguely defined charge […]

Covid “vaccines” & pregnancy: Twitter blocks OffG for telling the truth

Kit Knightly Yesterday, the Scottish government put out a tweet containing potentially dangerous medical misinformation. We at OffGuardian did our civic duty and corrected them, citing non-controversial proven facts available from official sources….and within eighteen hours our account was “limited”. We are now locked out of Twitter unless we remove the “misleading” tweet. In short, …

Infections Are Rising in Scotland but Hospitalisations Remain Low

Infections are rising rapidly in Scotland, but have not translated into a large number of hospitalisations. The recent surge appears to be related to Euro 2020, with infections concentrated among men aged 15–44.
The post Infections Are Rising in Scotland but Hospitalisations Remain Low appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

Scottish Children Will Be Vaccinated “as Quickly as Possible”, Says Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon says Scottish children will be vaccinated "as quickly as possible" if the JCVI approves the vaccination of children aged 12 and over. Planning for a child vaccine roll-out has started already.
The post Scottish Children Will Be Vaccinated “as Quickly as Possible”, Says Nicola Sturgeon appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

Scotland Delays the Lifting of Lockdown Restrictions – Will England Follow Suit?

The lifting of lockdown restrictions has been halted in much of Scotland because of the Indian Covid variant, but there is “cautious optimism” that the final step of England's roadmap could go ahead as planned.
The post Scotland Delays the Lifting of Lockdown Restrictions – Will England Follow Suit? appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

No-Go Zone: Complete Madness

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover some of the latest news in episode 54 of No-Go Zone.
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