
Winter Death Toll Worst in 30 Years, Reports the BBC. What, Worse Than in the ‘Pandemic’?

The winter death toll last year in Scotland was the worst in 30 years, the BBC reports. What, worse than during the 'pandemic'? And didn't the vaccines stop everyone dying? These questions are passed over, of course.
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Former ambassador and Assange advocate Craig Murray detained under UK terror laws

The former diplomat’s detention is just the latest example of British terror laws being used to harass and intimidate dissidents, while brazenly prying into their private affairs. On the morning of October 16, counter-terror police in Glasgow Airport detained journalist, whistleblower, human rights campaigner, and former British diplomat Craig Murray upon his return from Iceland. After grilling him intensively about his political beliefs, officers seized Murray’s phone and laptop.  Murray, a proud Scottish nationalist, flew back to Glasgow after several […]

“Irony is Dead”: Time Puts Humza Yousaf on Cover as “Next Generation Leader” Despite Him Leading Party Towards Disaster

SNP leader Humza Yousaf may be leading his party towards electoral disaster, but that's no reason not to put him on the cover of Time magazine and laud him as a "next generation leader", it seems.
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NHS Board Pledges to Pay Slavery “Reparations” Out of Healthcare Budget

Scotland's crisis-hit NHS is to begin a "programme of reparations" to Jamaica and Africa – paid for out of existing healthcare budgets – in a bid to "make amends" for slavery links dating from the 18th century.
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The Remarkable Report Commissioned by the Scottish Covid Inquiry that Savages Lockdowns and Vaccines

A remarkable report commissioned by the Scottish Covid Inquiry goes off-narrative and savages lockdowns and vaccines, saying there is no evidence they helped.
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Major Heat Pump Supplier Attacks Plans to Replace Gas Boilers With Heat Pumps Saying They “Don’t Work” in the Cold

In a stunning intervention, a major heat pump supplier has attacked Scottish Government plans to use them to replace gas boilers in Scotland, warning they don't work in the cold.
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SNP’s Failed Bottle Deposit Scheme Has Cost £86 Million and Taxpayers Could Bear the Brunt

The SNP-Green's disastrous bottle recycling 'Deposit Return Scheme' has cost £86 million, left taxpayers facing massive compensation claims and the administering company in administration.
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