
The Elephant in the Room: Cell Phones

It is difficult to talk to addicts about addictions and it is even harder to do so when their embrace of the drug of choice has dire consequences. I once asked the ether if God had a cell phone, and although God didn’t reply, it was a rhetorical question, so I didn’t expect an answer […]
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Covid:  Threats, Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Abound

The well-reputed online magazine published on May 24, 2021, a research-report finding that people who had a corona infection have also developed antibodies and will most likely be immune against the disease for the rest of their lives.   (Note: The link to the article, still working on 4 June, has since been “fact-checked” […]
The post Covid:  Threats, Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Abound first appeared on Dissident Voice.

From 1980s Neoliberalism to the ‘New Normal’ 

Sold under the pretence of a quest for optimising well-being and ‘happiness’, capitalism thrives on the exploitation of peoples and the environment. What really matters is the strive to maintain viable profit margins. The prevailing economic system demands ever-increasing levels of extraction, production and consumption and needs a certain level of annual GDP growth for […]

An Urgent Call for Action by Nobel Laureates

“Our Planet, Our Future, An Urgent Call for Action” is the title of the 2021 Nobel Prize Summit. As a follow up to that summit, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently published Our Planet, Our Future: An Urgent Call for Action d/d April 29th 2021. The opening paragraph of the Noble Laureate […]
The post An Urgent Call for Action by Nobel Laureates first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Americans Minds are Artificially Intelligent

I advocate the thesis which holds that the tendency towards totalitarianism is part of the essence of the machine, and originally proceeded from the realm of technology; that the tendency, inherent to every machine as such, to subjugate the world, to parasitically seize upon the fragments that have not yet been subjugated, to merge with […]
The post Americans Minds are Artificially Intelligent first appeared on Dissident Voice.

It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!

How did we ever get to this point … to the point where, as I put it in The Covidian Cult, “instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands […]
The post It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus! first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Hiking Along the Wrack Line

Capitalism’s Deadly Quartet — Food, Plastic, Air, Weathering! The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. — Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (1962) Definition: An ecological bridge between land and sea … the wrack line. I’ve been looking at the unimagined […]
The post Hiking Along the Wrack Line first appeared on Dissident Voice.

In our hurry to conquer nature and death, we have made a new religion of science

Back in the 1880s, the mathematician and theologian Edwin Abbott tried to help us better understand our world by describing a very different one he called Flatland. Imagine a world that is not a sphere moving through space like our own planet, but more like a vast sheet of paper inhabited by conscious, flat geometric […]

Methanol for the CoV2 Hypodermic Chemical Experiment

“There you have it — At-will, AKA at the beckon call, beckon abuse, beckon exploitation, beckon denigration, beckon injurious behavior and workplace environment. These employers are thugs, and from the top down, with their lawyers and MBAs and institutional misleadership yahoos at the executive level, the worker is doomed by this sick system. Forced vaccinations […]