
Ecce Mortis: The Condition: A Second Coming

Curtains parted (dearly departed).  Had expected The Nurse. Demand she explain about the Night Visitors, launch a “formal patient’s complaint.”
Saw Mother instead. Smoking the same cigarette. Her mortal last?  Can take ‘it’ with you? Whatever ‘it’ is you love?
“Look at you, poor baby. You’re a mess.”
“The Condition,” I said.

A Soulless, Digitally Concussed Western World

The USA and European Union (EU) continue on their downward trajectory in the 14th year of 21st Century. The perpetual state of war against terror, drugs, immigrants, the press and whistle-blowers moves on uninhibited. Another war, this time named Austerity, is being waged by USA and EU leaders against the middle and lower classes. Youth are particularly hard hit with the average unemployment rate in the EU at 23 percent. In the USA the figure is 17 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But never mind that.

Ecce Mortis: The Condition: Night Shades

Awake night suddenly not night four AM. Three figures bedside: Short Man; Tall Surly Man, aka “Mr. Personality;” Thin Woman. Long white lab coats aqua scrubs. Young.
“This is him. Here’s his chart,” Mr. Personality.
“Amazing,” Short Man.
“Freak me out,” Thin Woman.
“I’ve never heard of anyone born with The Condition. I thought it just happens. Toxic exposure or something like that. They see it in kids on the Enemy side,” Mr. Personality.
“Which Enemy? I forgot which Enemy of the Nation we’re out to get this week,” Short Man.

Ecce Mortis: The Condition: Emergency Room

Triage nurse asked I’d been drinking.
“Tremendously.  A great deal,” The Bakery Girl said.
“What’s your name?” The Nurse asked me.
“Okay, Ray. Let’s check your vitals,” said The Nurse.
Plantman in Egypt to save Pharaoh’s ailing Date Palm.  Papyrus.  Literature is only corrupt as its paper.  Important plant priest, celebrated immortal.  Statue myths.  Royal garden.  Scissors bucket.  Ancient days, too distant to count.  Moses in baby booties.
“His temperature is one hundred and six,” said The Nurse.
“Holy shit,” said The Bakery Girl.

Ecce Mortis: Tree of Knowledge Incorporated: Oh Mighty Pharaoh

The gold peak of the hundred-and-something-floor TKI obelisk stood five phallic stories — base shaft tip. Office and living quarters of the Heir. Base node of Dynasty: TKI Technologies; TKI Systems Subsidiaries; TKI Pharmaceuticals; TKI Chemicals; TKI Dereliction Deterrent Technologies (DDT); TKI Desktop Operating Systems; TKI PYRAMID Database. Root OS of Empire. Kit ’n caboodle. TKI Tower widest tallest hive of business in The City.
Plantman was summoned to work the indoor garden.

Ecce Mortis: Epics of the Deep: The Movie

Epics of the Deep, was a typical Big  Media over-production, but interesting in its implications: The Mad Cetologist gets hold of TKI Technologies’ Pyramid Human-Animal Language Translator (HALT), used to prove to vegetarians, “animal liberation” activists and other Viral Deviants, that while animals have a certain instinctual “intelligence,” they are far from human, and their liberation would not only result in a dearth of protein for the Citizens of The Nation, but the animals’ certain death from car accidents, starvation, not to mention immense health hazards caused allowing pigs, cows,