
School Children Urged to Go Veggie and Listen to Whale Songs During Net Zero Lessons

Devon has gone full eco-warrior with a new 'Net Zero Visions Curriculum' for students aged five to 16, including passing around an 'Earth egg' and teaching whale songs in music lessons.
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Pride Book Featuring Men in Bondage Wear and Trans ‘Top-Surgery’ Scars Shown to Four Year-Olds in Pre-school

Grandad’s Pride, a children’s book with depictions of men in leather bondage gear and a trans man with ‘top-surgery’ scars, has sparked outrage with parents after it was handed out to pupils at a pre-school in Hull.
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Two and a Half Times More Children in England Are Absent From School Than Before the Lockdowns

In the aftermath of the pandemic, cases of chronic truancy are on the rise, with more than a quarter of secondary students in the U.K. now consistently absent.
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I’m a Teacher and My School Has Become a Woke Indoctrination Factory

A teacher writes that his school has become little more than a woke indoctrination factory focused on churning out identikit Left-wing activists. But the incessant alarmism is taking a toll on their mental health.
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Covid Lockdowns Have Devastated Children’s Social and Emotional Skills, Major Study Reveals

Nearly half of U.K. parents said their children's social and emotional skills got worse during the COVID-19 pandemic, new research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies has found.
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