School Yard Fights

Joan Rivers and Atlanta Hawks Make the Stories Unfit to Read While Gaza/ et al Burns

Saying goodbye to a niece, bound for Alaska, basketball scholarship, from the frying pan of Phoenix to the fridge of Fairbanks. A great kid. Catholic high school, small, in the big ugly city of Phoenix: endless thermals along endless roads leading to endless warehouses and strip malls. The rotten university – ASU – proclaims the most sustainable (green) college status. What a sick joke, and that University of Phoenix shit for nothing education was invented there, and, well, ASU, one of the largest schools in the USA, has its own on-line perversion of a school (sic).

Opposing the Elite Opposers

one giant huff and puff industry of pundits and philosophers stuck in the meaning of the universe from their safe, warm ivory towers and fat-butt computer chairs
Meta-cognition, big-talking intellectuals, the tribe talking among itself, whites & Jews controlling the narratives, and more and more delusional stuff tied to grassroots movements and the big lies of Media-Corporations-Big Government-Schools-PR-Religion.

Compliance — I Don’t Need No Stinking By-line!

Easy as easy-bake Monsanto pie. The blogsphere, well, I respect some of it, DV being one venue. But really, what spineless, neutered digital tigers are out there, paper tigers mouthing off, total comfort, really not asking for that ultimate solution to the crony capitalism, totalitarianism and fascism of the coin of the realm mixed up in military-drug-money-media-education madness? That solution is annihilation, but if we whisper those words, if we call for a real fight, throwing fire at fire, well, we will be labeled as flipped out or anti-American/Jew/Capitalism.

Bombing the Paralyzed — Stars of David on Rockets Bound for the Comatose

No moral outrage, collectively, in the streets, at work, in seats of power? What a sick-sick little world the white Jewish-Christian species have become. Blowing up a facility, hospital blatantly, with patients bedridden, in rehab. I have clients with ID, DD and PD – you know, intellectual, developmental and psychiatric disabilities. The Obamas, Jews in Israel, and the military-poison-bomb-jet-drone complex, they are the ones with severe ID, DD, PD.

Puerto Rico on American Time

Note — I have not done this out of country thing for a long time. I used to travel when it was $10 a day, when sleepy fishing villages were villages and sleepy, when you could hitchhike to Panama from Nogales. Later days, really.
These 57 years of living have SEEN a whole lot, sometimes enough. So, saved up for honeymoon, postponed a year: in Puerto Rico for a week and then St. John Virgin Islands for another week. Of course, I am pumped up with stories, articles, poems, dirges, the whole nine yards.