Scholarship Summaries

An Incompetent Federal Reserve Board Caused the Great Depression and the New Deal that Gave Congress’ Power to New Executive Branch Regulatory Agencies

  An Incompetent Federal Reserve Board Caused the Great Depression and the New Deal that Gave Congress’ Power to New Executive Branch Regulatory Agencies An Incompetent Federal Reserve Board Caused the Great Depression and the New Deal that Gave Congress’ Power to New Executive Branch Regulatory Agencies. The 1930s saw the Great Depression used to vitiate…

Supply-Side Economics Correctly Explained

Just as Wikipedia has difficulty reporting biographies accurately, it has difficulty reporting accurately on supply-side economics and other subject matter.  So do economics professors in the class room.  Financial journalists also have no idea what they call “Reaganomics” is. If you click the link below, you can read my brief, clear explanation of supply-side economics…

Does the US Still Have an Economy?

Does the US Still Have an Economy? Paul Craig Roberts People want to know where the economy is headed.  What they should be asking is does the US still have an economy?  My answer is no, it doesn’t.  I will explain why. For a quarter century I have pointed out the destructive effect of moving…
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